Chapter 10 = FUCK

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Bustling of people chattering and the faint workings of people working their job filled their ears as they sat in a small cafe.

A table for two in which they sat across from each other, UN taking a sip from his cup of tea whilst NATO held a cup of black coffee.

They sat near a window where the road of cars drove away with people walking by, sometimes in groups or just themselves.

It was lively, especially during mid-day but it didn't bother them to the point where they couldn't have their own peaceful time.

NATO stared outside, occasionally staring at his own reflection through the clear glass.

Such bliss, he wished it would be like this forever but something was missing..

Before he could even give more thought into it, a gentle and hushed voice spoke capturing his attention whilst not disturbing the peace they had between them.

"Did we ever invite him to stare at us, NATO?" UN said, his eyes silently gesturing to someone who sat a few tables away.

Sure enough they were staring at them, with eager eyes that were hidden under their hoodie.

UN and NATO then glanced away towards each other to make it seem like they haven't noticed the guy there.

"Do you want to stay until it's safe?" NATO asked, feeling the gaze linger around him as he mentally growled.

"No, I want to see if they'll follow and attack. If they do then arrest them." UN stated, their voices no longer hushed after that as they exited the cafe, having already paid for their drinks.

As they walked out NATO walking on the left side of UN, NATO slightly glanced back enough to see the same guy staring at them from before to now following them.

NATO's right hand subconsciously reached for the taser on his belt until UN's hand came out and gripped it with a sudden hard hold while pulling it down a little to where it was before in a gentle pace. A quick change of mind indeed.

His eyes glanced to UN's face, which held a calm yet half hooded eyes when they met gazes.

He felt UN pull on two of his fingers, the middle and the index fingers, he sighed mentally as he started to depart from UN who then went into an alleyway while he continued forward.

He glanced back to see the guy still following him, making him question internally. What's this guy deal with him? Usually they wouldn't follow him but more specifically UN..

NATO halted for a moment, hearing them stop as well.

He turns around and faces them, a resting frown upon his face as the other tenses.

"Is there anything that you need, sir?" NATO asked.

No response.

"Alright then, I tried to be 'nice'. But it can't be helped, can it?" NATO said, watching as the person grabbed something within their jacket.

NATO quickly grabbed his baton from the holder on his belt and quickly blocked the swing the stranger swung with a cleaver in their hand. WHO THE FUCK BRINGS A CLEAVER TO A FIGHT??

Backing away NATO quickly grabs his taser, resorting to it quicker then he thought he would and points it towards the attacker. Locked and loaded.

"Move one step closer and I'll be sure to gauge your eyes out to feed the birds." NATO threatens but that didn't stop them as they charged forward with the cleaver in hand ready to swing.

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