Chapter 5 = An Obsessed Hugger

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NATO groans quietly as he heard the loud beeping from his alarm clock and stood there, already dressed up.

He even wonders why he has one when he usually wakes up in time for work before the alarm went off, especially since he has a phone to tell time easily.

He then went over to his nightstand and shut it off completely before taking the batteries out of it and went downstairs to his kitchen to toss it into the one of the bins, before heading back up after placing the batteries in one of the cupboards.

He sighs as he plops himself onto his bed, he didn't know what to wear so he was wearing a dark blue flannel unbuttoned with a dark grey shirt under and black trousers. He isn't one to think about his appearance that much but since he was 'hanging out' with his boss UN, he thought it would be best to make a 'good impression'.

NATO checks his phone for the time, '10:03 AM'.

He then heard the doorbell ring from downstairs, so he quickly went down to open the front door to reveal FBI, standing there hands behind his back as if to hide something whilst his face held a very happy smile.

"Hey NATO!" FBI greeted, slightly swaying back and forth on his feet as NATO greets him back.

FBI wore a white shirt with a black jacket that had a few white stripes decorating it, he wore dark blue jeans with blue sneakers as well as his signature sunglasses set upon his nose.

"You ready?" He asked, tilting his head a tiny bit.

"Mhm." NATO hums in response as he locks his front door when he stepped out.

"How you've been? Anything interesting happen lately?" FBI asked, as they both began to walk away towards the direction where the cafe will be.

"Nothing much." NATO bluntly answered, the conversation quickly coming to a stop but that didn't stop FBI.

FBI then turns to NATO, both of them still walking beside each other as he pulls out from behind his back a small blue rose.

"I found this on the way and thought you might liked it, cause it reminded me of you." FBI said, he felt a small pink dust his cheeks as they both paused when NATO stared at the flower.

NATO hesitantly took the flower from his hands, their fingers brushing lightly against each other, as he observed the flower in his own hands.

FBI couldn't help but smile more when he watches NATO's posture relax a little, it was a small movement but it was enough to make FBI happy.

FBI kept smiling at NATO, who looked back up to catch his gaze feeling a bit uncomfortable under his staring gaze.

"FBI..?" He calls out in a questioning tone, which definitely snapped FBI back to reality and to realise he had been staring at him.

"Uhh... Have I told you that you look good today?" FBI said, in much uncertain tone whilst glancing up and down at NATO.

It took a moment before NATO realises what he had said and quickly narrows his eyes at him, fully tensing up again as he said coldly, "Let's just go already." Walking away as FBI quickly walked to keep up with him.

FBI felt a bit sad that he just went back to being tensed but he couldn't help but notice how NATO still stared at the flower with a gentle grip on it compared to how tensed his shoulders were.

He then shook his head, looking back forward as they both walked in silence to the cafe and hoping that it may change once they meet up with the others at the cafe.


Surely enough, he may be correct as they neared the booth where EU and UN sat on one side together, both with a coffee of their own.

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