Chapter 9 = Months

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"You don't have to be so god damn loud, FBI!"

"I'm.. Sorry, it's just... The deal... Me.. You..." FBI said, struggling to find the right words to even form a sentence about what he's trying to say.

NATO sighs frustratingly, FBI was adorable he has to admit embarrassingly but he couldn't stay.

"Look, I won't be gone for too long. It's just a few weeks." NATO said, placing a hand comfortably on FBI's shoulder.

Recently NATO had gotten use to getting gentle touches from FBI, not that he meant by kisses or anything. He meant as in simple things like patting his back and just a side hug from FBI whenever.

Of course, both of them were dense as fuck to whether or not the other liked them the same way as the other did to each other.

"Yeah, 'just a few weeks'! More like 'just a few months'!!" FBI exclaims, sadness clearly evading his voice and tears pricking at his eyes.

"It's fine, it's fine FBI. It'll be quick alright?" NATO said, trying to reassure the sad FBI.

"Waaaa, I'm gonna miss you." FBI whines, wrapping his arms around NATO in a tight hug making him flinch slightly.

NATO felt a bit awkward as he slowly hugged him back, but FBI pulled away before he could even do so.

"Why can't I come too??"

"Because this is private matter and UN only requires one bodyguard with him. Plus, you could get distracted easily and people might fall for your cute face." NATO explains, not realising what he had said at the last part.

FBI blinked for a moment before quirking an eyebrow with a smug smirk in small confusion.


NATO eyes widened in realisation as he flushed a bright red, stumbling over his words for an explanation.

"I uh- Didn't.. You.. Cute..."

"NATO." A voice came up beside them.

A hand was placed on NATO's shoulder gently, it was UN.

"It's time to go, they're here." UN spoke with a stern but soft voice.

"Yes, sir." NATO said, letting go of FBI's hands which they had both unconsciously intertwined with each other's hands together previously.

"I'll see you in a few weeks then?" FBI asked, not exactly wanting NATO to leave yet.

NATO nodded in response before walking away beside UN.

FBI gave a small wave, a frown appearing on his face in sadness.

He sighed sadly, shutting his eyes for a moment before feeling lips against his cheek.

He flinched as he glanced at the embarrassed NATO, who eventually ran back towards UN who had a small smile.

FBI was left standing there, trying to process what had happened which didn't take too long as his face grew warm, covering his face with his hands.

Mentally screaming with his heart beating fast and loud, flustering.

It's surprising they haven't even confessed yet.


FBI groans, lying in bed with nothing to do.

He could ring up NATO but seeing how busy he was the last time he tried calling him, he couldn't bring himself to interrupt his work again.

Oh the suffering FBI went through, having to wait for his lover- *Ahem* I mean 'co-worker', to come back from the trip.

Although he didn't get free time as you would think, he still had the security guard job just reassigned to EU by UN.

EU seemed very annoyed that UN would even assign a bodyguard for him, but he couldn't stay mad for long and just accepted it.

After all, who can stay mad at the kind and gentle UN?

Although things could go downhill very fast if something were to go wrong while NATO and UN are on a business trip.


NATO sighs mentally to himself, sorting through the stacks of paperwork he was given.

He wasn't complaining but he knew who else would.

Admittedly, he missed FBI. A lot.

He hasn't called since and NATO thought that FBI must've not cared enough, until he started getting spammed 'good morning' and 'good night' messages from him.

Which was kind and it flattered NATO very much but it was getting a bit.. Annoying, just to say.

But he didn't mind and responded to few of them when he could. But ended up responding to more then he had expected himself to answer.

Should NATO confess to FBI about his feelings? He's been thinking about this for awhile.

Why was he even feeling nervous about this? They kissed a few times..

Okay, more then a few times but it should be obvious by now. But what if FBI just did it out of pity that he was single as well?

Actually.. That sounds more ridiculous then he thought it may sound.

Reconsidering the two decisions, he finally decided on one.

He'll confess to FBI when he gets back from this business trip.

And in a few words, the business trip was a long pain in the ass for them both.

But it might end quite sooner then expected. And I'll tell you something about the next chapter.

The chapter is mainly focused on NATO and UN.

Chapter 9 = Months


Next up...

Chapter 10 = FUCK


Who's Better? [NATO X FBI]Where stories live. Discover now