Chapter 11 = Worse

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"FBI, maybe you should calm down-." France spoke.

"HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN THIS MOTHERFUCKER GOT NATO HURT??!" FBI cuts him off as he points towards the attacker who was being held arrest by the police.

"Watch your language and chill FBI, it wasn't that big of a deal." America said, too blunt in this situation.

FBI was frustrated indeed but he stayed down and slumped down onto a chair as the police took the attacker away for questioning.

UN was feeling guilty but didn't show that much as EU comforted him by rubbing circles on his back, both sat there on a couch.

America was leaning against the doorway on his phone although the shades covered his eyes, he was clearly worried.

France sat on another chair from across the room, mostly near the doorway with concern evident in his face as he stared at one person in particular.

Silence settles in as the clock ticks ever so slightly at each second that passes by within the room, filled with tension and worry.


A couple hours passed by before a doctor came into the room, recognisably WHO.

"WHO!" UN exclaims, quickly standing up and heading over towards his said sister.

"Is NATO alright?!" FBI quickly followed as well causing WHO to stop before saying anything.

"He's.. Fine, nothing major really but can I speak to Britain or America with you?" WHO asked, looking around the room to find at least one of them.

"America is here, as well as France if you don't mind him coming as well?" UN spoke, gesturing to the two said countries who had their attention.

"What about me??" FBI asked before WHO shrugged as the four stepped out of the room, leaving FBI alone in the room to think.

FBI groans to himself before sitting back down in the chair as he started contemplating about certain things, many of which was NATO.

His hand came up to rub his face and eyes under his sunglasses since he barely got any sleep after hearing the report of UN and NATO coming back but with injuries as well.

What the hell is he suppose to do now? He thought, feeling dizzy as his vision blurred at the edges.

He felt tired as his head began to weigh heavier then usual, he just wanted to see NATO alright.. Maybe a small kiss if given the chance.

Then the moment he shut his eyes, he fell asleep.



He groans as he kept his eyes shut as the faint feeling of being shaken increased a tad bit.


He woke up with a jolt as he glanced towards the person who was shouting at him in slight shock.

"You really do like slacking off, do you FBI?" He asked, a slight smile on their face.

"NATO! I missed you!!" FBI exclaims quickly pulling him down into a hug.

"Ow ow ow, watch it FBI! I still have a bleeding wound!" NATO quickly said as FBI pulled away to not harm him.

"Sorry, sorry.. I was worried and I missed you." FBI apologised, as NATO chuckled lightly.

"I guess the same goes for me." NATO said, still smiling.


FBI eyes widened in realisation as he began to smile himself.

"YOUR SMILING! I ACTUALLY GOT YOU TO SMILE!" FBI shouted as NATO frowns in confusion.

"What?" NATO asked right before he gets tackled by FBI, both of them tumbling to the floor as FBI hugs the hell outta him.

"You actually smiled!" FBI yells happily, as NATO groans in slight pain but smiled anyways.

"Well you won the deal now. And I won't hear the end of it.." NATO mumbles the last part to no one really except to himself.

FBI giggles in excitement as he kissed NATO directly on the lips shocking him but it ended up deep.

"Alright you lovebirds, as much as we 'love' for you to kiss and make up with each other. Maybe get a room?" America spoke with a hint of sarcasm and annoyance, they broke the kiss and eventually stood up with flustered faces.

America yawns as he started walking out of the room.

"I'm just going to head out now, it's literally midnight and I need to catch some sleep."

France agreed as well as he followed in suit.

UN and EU smiled at each other before saying bye to WHO and the two guards as they went probably back to the HQ to finish up some leftover paperwork together.

WHO also left politely excusing herself to her job.

Then it left just the two of them there in the room, awkwardness filling the atmosphere.

"So... Does this mean we're friends now?" FBI asked, giving a shy smile.

NATO chuckles a bit before pulling FBI into another deep kiss before whispering.

"If you want unless you want another deal?" NATO joked breathlessly against their lips.

Chapter 11 = Worse


Next up...

Chapter 12 = No Longer Friends


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