Chapter 3 = "Be More Open."

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Be More Open he said... It'll be fun he said.

No shit that it would be fun for you but not me!

NATO had instantly regretted even accepting FBI's invitation to a 'fun' party.

And it would be a very much understatement if you were to say he 'asked' for him to go with him.

NATO watched as people either dance around or drank their ass off and ramble so loudly that the music barely covers up the drunk yelling going throughout the room.

He even started to question himself to why he was even here again!

Oh wait, he was forced to come here by you-know-who.

He sighed, as felt he a bit uncomfortable in the hoodie that FBI gave him, he wasn't really used to wearing these types of clothes due to him mainly wearing either the guard uniform or just a plain white T-shirt with grey sweatpants, which is what he wears to sleep, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have other clothes he could possibly wear, it's just that he wasn't seen daily with 'causal clothes'.

And want to know how he got here stuck in a corner with a couple making out very passionately, causing him to get very uncomfortable and disgusted?

It started off a week ago that FBI mentioned about a party and was wanting him to come with, he denied of course but then FBI began begging him and telling him how he should 'Be More Open'.

He then finally gave up and had reluctantly accepted to FBI's enjoyment.

But when FBI came to pick him up for the party, FBI ended up saying that he looked like a 'plain' guy, to which he thought was crazy since he was wearing a plain white shirt with a dark grey jacket and black trousers.

He thought he looked okay but noooo, FBI just had to force him to change his shirt and jacket for a fucking PINK HOODIE, that said something on the back but FBI refused to tell him what it said.

When they got to the party, FBI dragged him in, but then halfway in, NATO lost sight of him and ended up backing into a corner as a drunk couple began making out next to him, causing him to back away in disgust, lost in a huge party.

And that's how he ended up here, fully regretting his life decisions now.

He could've been a security guard at one of the airlines, but of course he had chosen to be a guard for the organisations headquarters cause they payed more and it's just more quieter there, especially since some of his old friends worked there as well.

He sighed heavily once more, getting bored by the second as music raved so loudly that he was sure the neighbours could hear it, even from a distance they could still feel the bumpy agonising music.

He wished FBI hadn't dragged him here otherwise he would've snapped his neck the second time he asks.

"Heyyy NATO, pal! How ya doin' bud?" He heard an all too familiar voice shout ahead of him.

And speak of the devil, FBI had found him.

NATO felt relieved to see someone he at least knew but was also irritated that he even left him alone in this large hell of a party.

"Where were you?? I was looking for you!" FBI asked, pushing his sunglasses up on his head to get a better look at his 'friend'.

Which as revealed his navy blue eyes that had a slight tint of green in them, it seemed a bit mesmerising for NATO but he quickly got rid of the thought.

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