Chapter 2 = Start Of A New 'Friendship'

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The Next Day...
Organization's Headquarters - 5:01 AM...

The two organizations stood by the front doors of the large building, in the distance they could see the sunrise clearly for it was dusk.

One was glancing around, wondering to himself as a brown box full of the necessities for a security guard such as him but he already had his set, though the gear wasn't always that much so the box was only about the size of a square then rectangle.

The taller was getting slightly worried and tapping his foot on the gray marble floor, as he checked his watch seeing as it was 1 minute past 5 already.

The silence between them was somewhat nerving for the guard because of the slightly worried look on his boss's face.


"What did I say about formalities?"

"I- UN, why are we up this early in the morning waiting?" NATO asked, still not used to calling his boss by his 'name'.

"Well, we are suppose to be seeing him now but it seems he might be running late." UN answered, his eyes darting quickly over the parking lot which had only two cars in the large empty space.


"I'll introduce him to you once he gets here."

'If he does.' NATO thought to himself, looking over to the parking lot as well.

At first, nothing new happened until a car came pulling up into one of the parking spaces, to which he heard UN sigh lightly.

They both watched as someone hurriedly runs out of their car, locking it in the process as they ran towards them.

They had sunglasses and white short sleeve shirt with black pants, different from what the other two, UN in a white/gray suit with a blue tie and a white reach on his head whilst NATO was in the usual security guard uniform, a blue polo shirt with dark blue pants, accompanied by a stitched badge and a few gears attached on to his black belt, which held two cuffs, a taser and a baton ready.

They finally stopped in front of them both, panting as if they had ran all the way here, which was true.

"Your late." UN stated, as they caught their breath.

"Yeah... Sorry, I accidentally slept later then I thought I would." They said as they stood up straight, but they had a much more relaxed posture.

"I'll let this slide since this is your first day after all." UN said, as they nodded in return.

"Now I would like to introduce you to NATO, he's the one that's going to be helping you and tell you everything you need to know throughout the day, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard." UN continued, gesturing to NATO.

"Well nice to meet ya! I'm FBI!" FBI introduces himself, holding a hand out towards NATO, who just nods in return but didn't shake his hand.

UN nudges NATO, who sighs and reluctantly shakes FBI's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, FBI."

"Great! Now NATO, I'm going to need you to give him a tour around this building, I'll be in my office if any of you need anything." UN said, walking towards the glass doors and entering the building as the two stood there in silence.

"So... Is there something I gotta wear..?" FBI asked, glancing up and down at NATO, seeing the certain uniform he wore.

NATO was about to think FBI was checking him out rudely but then thought otherwise and just picked up the box with the uniform and gear, and handed it towards FBI.

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