Chapter 7 = First Time?

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Fucking paperwork.

FBI groans silently to himself as he carried the piles of paperwork in his arms to EU's office.

He didn't apply to this job just to transport papers from one place to another, he applied for action and protection.

As he stopped right in front of EU's door, before he could knock the door suddenly opened to reveal the organization he was looking for.

"Oh, hey FBI." EU greeted, but he seemed to be looking around for someone else.

"Hey EU, I'm here to give you some paperwork from UN." FBI said, desperate to get back to the office.

"Thank you, if you don't mind me asking. Where's UN?" EU asked, taking the papers from him.

"Busy, dealing with some guy who refuses to let go on drugs." FBI answers, snickering slightly by what had been heard inside. That some guy was definitely high and drunk on something.

"Oh... Well then I'll go look for him at lunch then. Bye FBI." EU said, giving a small smile to FBI as he shut the door quietly.

FBI nodded saying a quiet bye back before heading back to UN's office.

He wanted to study the place a bit in case something might happen to cause him to chase after someone.

But he hurried nonetheless though, he wanted to see NATO.

It wasn't long before he saw NATO, as he slowly came to a stop barely breathless.

"Are you alright, FBI..?" NATO asked wearily, his face held a bit of worry.

"Of course, I just wanted to see you!" FBI said, smiling.

NATO felt a creeping blush over his cheeks as he nodded, looking away for a moment.

FBI was a bit confused, this whole morning NATO has been acting all nervous and flushed around him. Why?

Speaking of NATO..

"So... how is your morning going..?" NATO asked, seemingly hesitant.

FBI was fairly surprised that NATO would even try and talk with him, is it because of the deal?

"It's been going good but it's absolutely BORING to stand here and do nothing all day!" FBI complains, NATO felt the need to chuckle but didn't and hummed in response.

"But how about you? How was your morning?" FBI asked, giving NATO a curious glance.

"Just, okay as usual. Nothing much." NATO answers, glancing slightly away.

FBI smiles, wondering what had he done to get NATO to start talking to him first and why he looked nervously adorable.

Wait what.

FBI feels a pink blushing creeping onto his cheeks as he glanced away from NATO, what the hell did he just thought?

Is there something wrong with him?? Or is this just how friends think of each other like??

He felt complicated feelings and didn't know what to think of them, could someone help him?

Maybe he could go ask America about it during lunch break! Yeah, that'll be a good idea.


"You're in love dude."

FBI sat there dumbfounded.

In love? With NATO?!

They were both in America's office, FBI sitting near his desk whilst America paced around dealing with papers and files across the other side of the room where the door was located.

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