(ch-12 Hatsune)

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"I want to break up...." Akaashi said "wait what..." Hinata said "my parents are forcing me to marry hana..." Akaashi said "akaashi san..." Hinata said "I am sorry..." Akaashi said then he went hinata was in verge of tears he broke down crying "how am I supposed to tell him now...that I am pregnant..." Hinata said konoha who noticed a certain tangerine crying he went and held him "shh let it Out..." Konoha said "k-konoha san ..." Hinata said
(A few years later)
Hatsune was now ten years old "momma!!" Hatsune said

" Hinata said(A few years later)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hatsune was now ten years old "momma!!" Hatsune said

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"Hey honey!" Hinata said "mom I fell something weird..." Hatsune said "oh um it may be something..." Hinata said "anyways I am going to school!!" Hatsune said then she went

" Hinata said "anyways I am going to school!!" Hatsune said then she went

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Akira"Hey guys!!" Hatsune said "hey Hatsune!" Her friends said "are you excited to " Akira said "yea I am

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"Hey guys!!" Hatsune said "hey Hatsune!" Her friends said "are you excited to " Akira said "yea I am..." Hatsune said then they went to school on her way to school she looked at a man that look exactly like her but she decided to ignore him and went "hmm akaashi is something wrong?" Rei Asked "y-yea I am..." Akaashi said
Then in school they announced something about having some spirit animal they said we will find it some day maybe they may have already found it "um guys I have to go see you guys later..." Hatsune said and went "um ok then bye!" Isaac said
Hatsune was in a forest she then saw a wolf

The wolf went to Hatsune and jump on her "hey miss you too Wolfie!!" Hatsune said then wolfy got off of her "anyways we studied about spirit animals do you know what they are

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The wolf went to Hatsune and jump on her "hey miss you too Wolfie!!" Hatsune said then wolfy got off of her "anyways we studied about spirit animals do you know what they are..." Hatsune said 'no...' wolfy woofed "oh ok anyways I need to go so bye!" Hatsune said then she went back
"Hatsune how was your day?" Hinata asked "we learned something about some spirit animal..." Hatsune said "anyways I have to go for a job interview tomorrow so your uncle konoha will take you to school!" Hinata said "ok mom!" Hatsune said 
Tomorrow hinata went to the job interview place he went to the boss office "um hi can I come in?" Hinata asked "hinata?" Akaashi said "wait..." Hinata said "forgot me already..." Akaashi said as he stood up from his chair and face hinata "akaashi-san. ..." Hinata said "so your here for a job interview?" Akaashi asked "yea I am..." Hinata said akaashi came closer to hinata "hey um should we get the interview started..." Hinata said "oh yea sure.. " akaashi said then he looked at a flustered hinata (after a few minutes) "your hire! You start tomorrow" Akaashi said "thank you I look forward to working with you..." Hinata said "me too..." Akaashi said "bye!" Hinata said "bye...." Akaashi said then hinata went "I Miss you shoyo san..." Akaashi said "sir wolfy is not being found again!" One of the workers said "I'll go and find her..." Akaashi said then went.
Hatsune was playing with wolfy "do you think you maybe my spirit animal?" Hatsune asked 'maybe...' wolfy hoofed "I still don't understand why am I the only one who can understand you..." Hatsune said then wolfy tackled her to a bush "hey wolfy what's wrong?" Hatsune Asked wolfy put her paw over her mouth "wolfy!!" Akaashi said Hatsune tried to recognise the voice "wolfy I got treats ..." Akaashi said "mmm!!!" Hatsune said then wolfy removed her paw "wolfy why did you put your paw over my mouth!" Hatsune said 'sorry..' wolfy woofed "it's ok next time don't do that!!" Hatsune said wolfy then lick her face akaashi went behind the bush and saw wolfy with Hatsune "um hi that's my wolf..." Akaashi said "oh well wolfy always come here to play with me!!" Hatsune said then wolfy licked her face "hehe now go to your owner!" Hatsune said wolfy hug Hatsune "hey you need to go to your owner wolfy!!" Hatsune said "wolfy come now..." Akaashi said "I'll Play with you tomorrow ok now go to your owner..." Hatsune said and kissed wolfy forehead "Hatsune!!" Hinata said "momma!!" Hatsune said and ran wolfy came behind Hatsune akaashi saw who she was calling mom it was hinata Hatsune hug hinata "so you had a child now...." Akaashi said "a-akaashi san..." Hinata said "mom do you know him?" Hatsune asked "Hatsune why don't yoh go over there and play with your wolf friend..." Hinata said Hatsune noded then she pat wolfy back "tag your it!" Hatsune said and ran "who's child is she?" Akaashi asked as he approached hinata "why does it matter to you who's child she is!" Hinata said "it does your mine shoyo san~" akaashi said "no I am not you broke up with me ten years ago!" Hinata said "cause of an arranged marriage..." Akaashi said then kissed Hinata's cheek he held hinata tight "she is your daughter..." Hinata said "w-wha" akaashi said "I was gonna tell you I am pregnant ten year ago..but we broke up..." Hinata said akaashi then hug him "I am sorry for not being there for you..." Akaashi said "it's ok but for now I'll let you hangout with Hatsune but I have moved on so don't expect me to fall for you." Hinata said "ok then but I will make you fall for me again within two weeks..." Akaashi said "well see..." Hinata said then hatsune came back to them "mom something happens..." Hatsune said then akaashi and hinata saw what she did she saw a tree stuck by lighting "how did this happen?" Hinata asked "I just made something in my hand..." Hatsune said then she made an small electric ball in her hand "it happened again..." Hatsune Said "show me your hand..."hinata said "ok..." Hatsune said and gaved hinata her hand she held on to it "this energy is weird..." Hinata said then wolfy held Hatsune hand 'a werewolf and vampire hybrid..' he hoofed "a werewolf and vampire hybrid..." Hatsune said "a hybrid well I know her vampire power came from my side but werwolf..." Hinata said "that came from mine..." Akaashi said "mommy is something gonna happen to me ..." Hatsune said "no nothing is gonna happen to you..." Hinata said "anyways me and wolfy need to go see you sat work tomorrow..."akaashi said and went "bye!" Hinata said "bye..." Akaashi said then went

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