(ch-5 hangout )

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Hinata pov
After lunch akaashi had to carry me to the back of the school I wanted to walk he put me down and said"you sure you'll be okay" he asked me,he had a worry in his face and then
I told"no need to worry I'll be fine" then I went for a walk limping I saw kageyama I tried to run but he caught up
Kageyama pov
As I grabed the boke I started to beat him up as he still didn't want to be together with me "say it again boke or else I'll have to" I turned him around until I got punched in the face it was akaashi

Akaashi pov
I knew something was wrong so I followed hinata he was walking peacefully until he started to ran away from.kageyama I saw he was beating him up so I quickly ran and punched him in the face before he could do anything more to him "stay away from my boyfriend or else" I said in anger "well I didn't see you claimed him yet" kageyama said smirking "well actually I did last night we did the deed." Kageyama was shocked and hinata was blushing in embarrassment he then ran away as.coach ukai saw him we then explained what happened "oh ok we'll make sure he doesn't come near him" he said and then left I carried hinata to my room he was beat and I healed his wounds "akaashi san I'm sorry for dragging you into this" he said in a sad face "welll I kinda followed you as I knew that kageyama might be there good thing I came on time or else he would have beated you up." I said
"Well so I am your" he said.looking happy and blushing a little "yea you kinda are mine heh" "oh I just got a text from bokutoh he said he wants to hangout with us as he wants a quadriple date now as there will be a chance of rain." I told hinata about it and he smiled and said "ok sure let's go but you know you would have to carry me" he said "I know and besides you are light so I don't have any trouble carrying you" I said smirking at him "hehe ok then we can go"

Hinata pov
I got ready for the quadriple date as I went akaashi saw me and blushed a little "you look cute hinata" he said to me whe blushing "thnx you look cool too" he then hold my hand and said "let's go" we went and saw kenma , osamu , bokutoh,kuroo,noya and yaku "let's go guy's" bokutoh said we went to a aquarium we then seprated with our boyfriends we agreed to meet back at the exit after 30 minutes

Yaku x noya pov
We are walking In the aquarium taking pictures and seeing the fish we then went to the sharks as noya and yaku loved sharks they went to the sharks as the sharks were.coming closer I jumped and hugged yaku as I kinda got scared he then hugged me back "hey it's ok noya let's go to the others" "ok yaku san"

Osamu x kenma pov
We were just looking at the fish kenma started to play in his switch "hey can you stop Play for onse and look at the fishes" "um sure" kenma kept his switch back and we started ti explore the fishes "hey that one looks cute" kenma said "yea it does let's go see a closer look" as we were looking at the fish our hands touched then we held hands "um let's go and keep looking" "ok osamu san" kenma gaved osamu a kiss on the cheek and went with him to explore the other fishes

Kuroo x bokutoh pov
We were looking at a fish which looked like us "oya I see 2 fishes looking like us" "I see that too" we went there only to find them racing against each other we started to follow them huging each other at the end it was very cute we hugged each other cause of the cuteness kuroo gives me a kiss in my cheek we went to explore the other fishes

Akaashi x hinata pov
We went to see the dolphins since hinata liked dolphins hinata came closer to me as he didn't want to get lost we saw kageyama and tsukishima I hid hinata behined me so they couldn't see him as we went through them I messaged the others about them being here hinata hugged me tightly I carried him by giving him a piggy back ride he was blushing and nuzzled his face into my back which made me blush

The group pov
We quickly came at the entrance and saw akaashi carrying hinata runing towards us "hey guys you got the message" akaashi said "yea we got it now let's go to the next session where they wouldn't be there" bokutoh said
"They are following us" kenma said
Yaku added in"yea I felt someone following me and noya so it must be them" osamu said"then what are we waiting for let's go quickly to the next destination" noya added in"yea let's go" an unknown voice " perhaps we can help you guys" it was lev and inouka they were here too inouka said "we need to run quick they are coming this way I think you guys should come with us in legs car" kuroo said"lev you drive" "yea I got my license and bet you didn't now let's go" we went to leva car we all fitted in there osamu and noya were sitting behined so they can keep and eye out akaashi , hinata , kuroo , bokutoh were in the middle inouka and lev In the front driving "drive lev" lev was driving fast but not recklessly "how did you get a lisence?" Kuroo aksed "well my parents got me one sinc they don't visit much as they have to go to Russia they rarely visit so it is just me and my sis" he said "guy's hinata wants to lay on bokutoh as he is like his mom" akaashi said bokutoh then awed and made him sit next to him "my son!!" He then slept in bokutoh shoulder also he touched he'd akaashi's hand so he won't be jealous bokutoh touched kuroo's hand they held each other's hand . everyone went to sleep after an hour of driving they didn't realise that they already reached "wake up all of you guys we are here!" Lev said , akaashi woke up also kuroo they had to carry bokutoh an hinata to bed it was lev's family cabin "guys I told the others we might not make it in time so we won't be able to practice tomorrow and also it will rain" inouka said "do whatever you guys want the walls are sound proof and we have five room the fifth room is mine and inouka's also the walls are sound proof" they then went to their room's smirking a little "good thing the walls are sound proof" lev said "yea also I'm gonna make dinner" inouka said , akaashi put hinata on the bed hinata woke up imidiately "akaashi san..." He said "yea shoyo san~" "I saw kageyama following us from the side but they couldn't keep up" akaashi then siad "thnx for telling me shoyo" akaashi then went to living room calling osamu , kuroo , yaku and lev "guys shoyo said that the two were following us" kuroo then said "oh my god now what" lev then had ama idea " guys I have an idea inouka!pull the red lever In the basement" inouka nodded and went to tej basement and pulled the red lever "done lev san" lev then noded "now they can't find us as it has been functioned with electrical wired only the onse in the house can come in but for that we need the card." Lev gaved the four the cards to enter the house "don't worry the rest has one as we hang out sometime here." Lev said inouka then had an idea " well let's make something for the guys." Hinata came quickly "akaashi san kageyama san tried to come inside the house but he couldn't." Akaashi then smiled"don't worry about it shoyo lev just-" "installed his electric system yea I knew that as I hang out with him bokutoh kenma and inouka we also have sleep overs here sometimes." Akaashi kinda got shocked that he and the others hang out here so as the other boyfriends

Me:yes it's done now time to do the next chapter
Akaashi:so you guys do hangout there
Hinata:yea also to get out of punishment
Akaashi:hey nat do me a favor "he whispers something in her ear" got it
Me:got it hehe
Hinata:what did you tell her
Akaashi:nothing let's go
Me: hehehe I won't tell you guys what he said so bye fou d out in the next chapter

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