( ch-4 the date )

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Hinata pov
I woke up early and go to the bathroom to get freshened up for the day after that I went to breakfast and I sat by akaashi he said hello and gaved a loving smile which made me blush a little.after the practice.matches and lunch I went to my room to get changed and then I went to akaashi he was already there waiting for me "Hey shoyo" he said " hi akaashi san toy look cool" I said while blushing "thnx you look cute" he complimented " t-thnx akaashi san" we went to a restaurant after having something to eat akaashi san took me somewhere

Akaashi pov
I took hinata to a park in Tokyo where I usually go to clear my head , he looked pretty excited and as we reached we sat on out favourite spot which was under the tree we were looking at the sunset and I thought as I looked at hinata who was smiling at the sunset and I looked into his eyes his spark was back and so I leaned in and turning his face around and I kissed him passionately he kissed me back when I broke the kiss I saw him blushing hardcore "I love you akaashi san~" he said as he hugged me and nuzzled his head into my chest I hugged back runing my fingers through his hair saying " I love you to shoyo" we then we're gazing and watching the stars for a hour until it was time to go home "come on shoyo let's go" when we went back I saw bokutoh and kuroo smiling "how was the date?" " It was perfect" hinata said as he hugged me and I hugged back "glad it went well"kuroo said as he was holding bokutoh's hand and me and hinata went to the dorm saying bye to them

Hinata pov
As me and akaashi walked i was blushing a lot but I still wished we were together I mean we are now but I want to hug him all day "hey shoyo what's wrong" he asked "uh nothing...." I said "something is definitely wrong" he said and the then he put his hand on my cheek as we stoped walking "it's just.." I hugged him and said " I just wana you know stay with you and you know stay close to you" I said while looking away embarrassed "so you just wana stay with me"he said then he had a smirk "you know shoyo chan sometimes something may happen" he said " what do you mean akaashi san" he took me to the empty room we were in and he then started to kiss me I kissed back after a few seconds he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance andi opened my mouth letting his touenge slip in and then he grabed my waist tightly I wraped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he pinned me to a wall then he started to kiss the same spot where he outed the hickey leaving love bites and hickeys all over
This is kid friendly I am not gonna show you what happened after that let's just say it was a moany night and then they went to the bathroom got themselves cleaned up and went to sleep also hinata was wearing akaashi's jacket  also the next morning

Kuroo's pov
I saw hinata wearing akaashi's fukorodani jacket and I said with a smirk "hinata are you wearing akaashi's jacket?" He blushes a lot and said " uh yea heh"  the bokutoh said " that's why you are limping" kenma and osamu were also thinking the same thing

Akaashi's pov
I saw hinata wearing my jacket which meant we really did it last night and i blushed as he looked cute in my jacket I went over there and hugeed him from behined whi h made him blush a little "hey shoyo" I said " hey akaashi san" he said while blushing I asked "are you guys free this weekend we can triple date" bokutoh and kuroo said "sure" osamu and kenma said "yes we are down" then yaku and nishinoya came and asked " hey guys can we join" I said "sure you guys can" so it's a quadriple date" then suagwara and daichi came in and said " you guys are dating" the eight of us together said"yes" suagwara was like a mom to the team and daichi was like a dad "ok but make sure to be back tomorrow also hinata where were you yesterday and why are you limping?" Daichi asked hinata was blushing hardcore of what happened last night"um well-" "we have to go" I took hianta quickly carrying him and then suagwara realised what we did as bokuro told them "they did the deed" sugawara got mad but he didn't Chase us as he knew hinata might have wanted it and it was bound to happen eventually "well give me all the details" sugawara siad turning towards osamu , kenma , bokutoh and kuroo as they had black mail

Hinata pov
Akaashi took me to the same empty room where we were and said "so did I got to hard last night" he asked and I nodded and said "yea a little I'm barely able to walk" "well let's go back and I am carrying you as you weren't able to walk" he asked and the he knelt down I got into his back he piggy back carried me and I was blushing a little and I layed down nuzzling my face into his back then we went to the gym where everyone was there after a few practice matches and I wasn't able to paly thnx to akaashi but it was all worth it in lunch I ate a little akaashi told me to feed him the yogurt as thought about it and I did

Hinata povAkaashi took me to the same empty room where we were and said "so did I got to hard last night" he asked and I nodded and said "yea a little I'm barely able to walk" "well let's go back and I am carrying you as you weren't able to walk" ...

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Ok guys since I have work to do I'll be doing ch5 tomorrow it will be interesting not that perverted intersting as this is kid friendly well exept for some part anyways I gotta run kageyama and atsumu are chasing.me
Atsumu:give me a scene with the shrimp
Akaashi:"hugging hinata tightly and giving the two a death glare"
Hinata:"is in akaashi's neck and is a little inocent to know what's going on" um what's going on akaashi san
Akaashi:nothing shoyo do you want me to carry you
Hinata:yes pls
Akaashi:"giving kageyama and atsumu the he is mine look" let's go "smiles at hinata"
Me:"watching them piggyback ride to the room" charmander use flame thrower on the two setters pls
Todoroki:"uses flame thrower on the two setters"
Puppy lover:since when do you have a charmander and a pikachu
Me:I have them just incase something goes wrong also I have tamaki wana  meet him
Puppy lover:sure since I have nothing else to do
Me:let's go puppy lover I am gonna introduce them to you
Puppy lover:there are others
Me: yup
The end and I am gonna star ch-1 of the second story tomorrow and this the lat chapters updated today as I'll do the rest tomorrow or maybe Today

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