(ch-14 I love you so much)

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Akaashi and hinata were cuddeling eachother hinata woke up first then looked at akaashi sleeping peacefully "take a picture it will last longer..." Akaashi said as he woke up he looked into hinata's eyes and kissed him again hinata kissed back after a few seconds They broke the kiss then remembered what happened last night akaashi put hinata on his lap  "u-uh I have to go make breakfast for Hatsune..." Hinata said "wait last night Hatsune was in the house..." Akaashi said they looked embarrassed after getting freshened up and changed then quickly went downstairs
"Mommy did you and dad did the deed yesterday...as I got no sleep pls don't be loud" Hatsune said "wait how did you-" "I am ten not stupid!" Hatsune said "she lost her inocent!!" Hinata said someone knocked on the door it was Isaac Hatsune opened the door "hi Isaac!!" Hatsune said and smiled which made Edward blush "h-hi Hatsune I see your dad is back..." Isaac said as akaashi death glare him  "mhm yea anyways wana go and hangout!!" Hatsune said "nah my parents won't let me..." Isaac said "why not!!" Hatsune said jin then came "cause our dad's ground us and we snuck out it was my plan.....now my angry dad is coming run!!!!" Jin said "morning Mr sakusa!!" Hatsune said then th two ran "morning Hatsune .ugh those brats..." Sakusa said "what did the two do this time.."  Hatsune said "they didn't clean their room!" Sakusa said "oh ok have a good day mr Sakusa!!" Hatsune said "you too Hatsune!!" Sakusa said "go to the park they are hideing there like last time!!" Hatsune said sakusa noded and ran Hatsune closed ghe door "Hatsune breakfast is ready!!" Hinata said "coming..." Hatsune said and went to the dining table and sat on her chair
Hatsune was reading a book while sitting on the couch "Hatsune wana play volleyball..." Hinata said "no thnx ...." Hatsune said "why not?" Akaashi asked "I am too lazy today.." Hatsune said hinata sighed and said "like father like daughter..." Hinata said then someone knocked on the door Hatsune went to open the door to see sakusa with jin and Edward"thnx for helping me find my kids..." Sakusa said "no problem!" Hatsune said "anyways I have to go see you!" Sakusa said then left Hatsune closed the door then went to her dad "hey Hatsune is everything ok?" Akaashi asked "dad your not leaving us right..." Hatsune said "yea I am not I promise!" Akaashi said "yay!" Hatsune said then hug him akaashi held hinata's hand and kissed it and mouthed I love you hinata blush a lot hinata mouthed I love you too back wolfy came in "wolfy what's wrong?" Hatsune asked 'i got something come quick!' wolfy woofed "ok I am coming!" Hatsune said then wolfy got the book before she could stand "what's this..." Hatsune said and opened the book "mom do you know who aunt nathalie is?" Hatsune asked "no I don't..." Hinata said "well it is said she is a shoyo witch..." Hatsune said "oh o didn't know about that..." Hinata said "let's just keep it aside.. " akaashi said then Hatsune noded and went to her room with her book hinata sighed "she is not gonna leave this matter she is gonna get to the bottoms of it.." hinata said "what do you mean?" Akaashi asked "well if Hatsune is curious about something she will find out about it...she won't stop thinking about it ...." Hinata said "hmm yea she got that personality from you ..." Akaashi said "how do you always read my personality..." Hinata said "hey just because we had been seprated for ten years dosent mean I didn't forget you" Akaashi said
Hinata giggled "you haven't changed a bit..." He said akaashi then whispered "you haven't either toy are still the same kind hearted and courageous Brave shoyo and that's what I adore about you and love you..." Akaashi said then he looked at a blushing hinata "you.... always know how to fluster people..." Hinata said "yea I do.." akaashi said then went to Their room hinata looked at akaashi confused
After dinner akaashi went to their shared room and thought about what hinata adored about him on rhe other hand hinata was left confused "akaashi has been acting weird..." Hinata said "well what did you do!" Hatsune said "well he told me all the things he adored about me..." Hinata said "and did you say something...." Hatsune said "I just said you know how to make-" "oh my god!! You didn't tell him back what you love and adored about him!! Or even an I love you" Hatsune said "y-yea wait oh god shit what have I done" Hinata said "now go to your man's!!" Hatsune said then hinata ran "huh parents..." Hatsune said
"Keiji san!" Hinata said and akaashi looked at hinata "oh hey shoyo i-" akaashi got cut off as hinata kissed him akaashi kissed back then they broke the kiss "sho-" "I am sorry..." Hinata said "what for..." Akaashi said and hug hinata "for not saying this sooner..." Hinata said "saying what...* Akaashi said "akaashi keiji I love you so much whenever you look at me with those dam angel eyes I fell like my broken heart slowly hers fixed when ever I tried to move on from you I couldn't it's like you were my soulmate and my heart is always back in pain..." Hinata slowly cried "shoyo..." Akaashi said and wiped his tears "it's like every time I have a problem I always think to ask you to find a way out of it you are the first person in my mind! And um whenever you smile it makes me feel warm inside like my heart melted and yoh always help people and know how to handle them you always saved me and um fixed me and made me stop cutting for once and held  my heart like first I was broken now I am being held by you it's like you always fix me and make.me forget my past this is what I adore about you Akaashi keiji and this is why Iove you!!" Hinata said akaashi then looked at hinata "I love you too..." Akaashi said "this was so emotional it made me my heart melt." Hatsune said as she ate chiken nuggies and drank some Kermit tea the two look at Hatsune "I am gonna go..." Hatsune said then went hinata then locked the door then he went to kiss akaashi who kissed back wrapping arms around his waist hinata wrapped his arms around his neck akaashi licked his bottom lip for entrance hinata gaved entrance right away akaashi slip his tounge in his mouth and tounge kissed him the two made out with eachother removing eachother clothes "keiji-san~!!" Hinata moaned as akaashi bit his neck and chest making hickey all over then the two kissed again akaashi laid hinata down on the bed and kissed him hinata kissed back wrapping arms around his neck "I love you Shoyou~" akaashi said "I love you too~" hinata said
Y'all know what happened next
The book which hatsune recived glowed 'the book which should be kept a secret had now come to life' now what trouble will Hatsune encounter on her way and what secret will she discover

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