(ch-6 lev's cabin)

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The group pov
The boyfriends were shocked that they hangout tomorrow over here "so you guys hangout sometimes without us." Akaashi said "mhm" hinata noded  "so that's why bokutoh rarely comes cause he is here with you guys" kuroo said they all now know where they usually hangout "so what do you guys even do here I mean there is nothing to do" kenma then came and said "lev has a psp 4 we all play there and he also has q lot of movies to watch." "Ooh l ts not forget he has supplies for pranks." Bokutoh said he was also awake and was beside kenma and hinata "he also have girl outfits some revealing fem boy outfits also and he has pictures taken." Their boyfriends look at him on anger and they said together "do toy have pictures of them." They were having a dark aura around him and inouka lev nodded on fear "inouka san get the pictures we took." Lev told him in fear "O-Ok bokutoh , kenma , hinata and noya quickly hide yourself in a room locked." "Ok we will." The four boys ran into the basement trying to hide themselves from getting fucked again inouka gaved them the pictures

" The four boys ran into the basement trying to hide themselves from getting fucked again inouka gaved them the pictures

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