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The gang pov
"Let's go back to the camp!?" Lev said as he started the car "yea let's go!!" Hinata said lev then start to drive the car to the camp it took them an hour to reach there "hinata!" Suagwara said hinata then said "suagmom!!" Then suagwara said "hinata!" The mom and the baby crow hug eachother noya was like "sugamom!" He said "noya!!" The three hug eachother the rest wore sunglasses "too much sunshine..." Akaashi said then the three broke the hug and went inside "hey guys hey akaashi san...." Hana said "hey hana san..." Akaashi said hinata kinda felt a something weird in his stomach "shoyo you ok?" Akaashi asked "y-yea I am..." Hinata said then they all went inside atsumu came to osamu and kenma "so who is top!?" He asked kenma and osamu blush a little "osamu is...." Kenma said then osamu put an arm around him "don't be embarrassed's my stupid brother what do you expect..." He said atsumu said "hey I am not stupid!!!" Then sakusa came and said "you are...." Atsumu then started to chase sakusa then they went to their room and change into their Volleyball clothes and went to the gym "ok so fuakrodani vs karasuno!" Daichi said they att got into the court and started to play suagwara set for hinata was pretty fast making it a new attack for them which made them won against fukorodani "yes!!" Hinata and sugawara high fived eachother then hinata saw hana talking to akaashi which made him get a weird felling in the stomach hinata "um I have to go..." hinata said and went to his room he ignored akaashi the whole day long

Akahina pov
Hinata was now in the shower room akaashi came in and locked the door behind him "a-akaashi san..." Hinata said akaashi came close to hinata "hinata san why are you ignoring me?" He asked hinata then said "i don't want to tell..." He said akaashi then pulled him close and blew on his ear "ahh~..." Hinata moaned turning him on "tell now!" Akaashi said "it's cause I felt jealous seeing you with hana!" Hinata said "well why didn't you tell me?" Akaashi asked "well you didn't tell me at first when you were jealous!" Hinata said "I see looks like I am gonna shower with you...." Akaashi said and then took off his clothes and went into the shower with hinata he kissed hinata who kissed back akaashi broke the kiss and bought their forehead together "next time tell me when you are jealous." He said "I wil...." Hinata said then akaashi tounge kiss him the two made out for a few minutes then akaashi kissed his neck and put hands around his waist "I love you shoyo~.." akaashi said "I love you keiji kun~..." you all know what happened next!

Me:ok so I was thinking to do a chatfic of akahina and rare ships if you guys want one and sunshine above the stromy clouds I lost motivation so I will discontinue it
Shipper_with_a_knife:also some of us author will be there as we need some good tea!
UglyCowKyra:does this always happen
Me:yup anyway
Anime_Bitcx:you three hurry up Tendou is getting tired of waiting
kenmaaaaaaaa:we will be back later
anime-freek:till then bye
Me:also comment if you want more stories like this pls!! UglyCowKyra , Shipper_with_a_knife anime-freek,kenmaaaaaaaa,Anime_Bitcx follow them pls ok bye!!

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