(ch-7 mine)

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The gang pov
Everyone was looking at hinata and kenma curiously akaashi decided to break the silence "so how did you guys get the pizza delivery guy to get the pizza?" Kenma and hinata smirked and said "blackmail." " You guys blackmailed him!!!" Everyone said exept for hinata , kenma and inouka "well me kenma and inouka found something like he was actually doing something with the manager's daughter and in order to not get his job fired we decided to make a deal he will deliver us pizza and we won't tell." Hinata said confidently "but the three of us decided it would be best to tell the manager and he said he will deliver pizzas to each house if he doesn't he will get fired." Inouka said then everyone was kinda shocked "uh..guys you look like you have seen a ghost." Kenma said hinata looked at akaashi and said"you ok akaashi san" he came close and huged him akaashi hugged back saying "I am fine shoyo san also pls don't black mail again it is wrong." Akaashi said while hugging hinata tightly "I won't akaashi san." Akaashi kissed hinata softly and broke the kiss "good to know" then they heared a cough from yaku "get a room you two." Noya said with a smirk akaashi and hinata went red thne they hugged tightly then they heared a knock in the door it was tendou and ushijima , they opened the door and let them in "hey tendou san." Hinata said "hey hinata how are you?"tendou asked hinata "I am fine" hinata said blushing as he was in akaashi's arms akaashi noticed and thought he was blushing cause of tendou "um ima be right back." Akaashi broke the hug and went to his and hinata's room and started crying as he loved hinata so much 4 hours later

Akahina pov
akaashi hasn't came out of their room and hinata went inside and check on him he found him crying he quickly went and removed his hand from his face "akaashi san why are you crying I was worried pls tell me." Akaashi looked at his worried face and he was really worried very much he then pulled hinata into a hug akaashi didn't let go hinata hugged back "do you like tendou hinata I mean I'm not forcing you to-" hinata started to laugh and say "akaashi he is with ushijima you know you should have told me." Akaashi then also laughed as he was stupid not realising it after they stoped laughing "well I'm still not forgiving you cause I cried for like 4 hours thinking that." Akaashi said looking away from him "then what do you want me to do so you could forgive me.. akaashi san~" akaashi blushed and put hinata on the bed getting on top of him he then kissed hinata passionate hinata kissed back wraping arms around akaashi's neck pulling him closer they broke the kiss "I think you might know shoyo san~" he kissed hinata's neck "ahh~ akaashi san." "Shh~shoyo san." Sike still child friendly.my friends hehehe or else

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sike still child friendly my friendly my friend 😊😜

The group pov
They heared hinata's mones "ah~ keji san~" "shh~shoyo san you ready?~." The others nose bleed "I think we know what they are doing." Kenma aid while bokutoh and tendou were cheering akaashi on " go akaashi!!!" Both said akaashi could hear that "stop shouting you two!!" Akaashi said from the room "heh sorry." "Hearing this is ...ia making my nose bleed more." Yaku said "this is not appropriate to the Bible." Ushijima said with a frown "where is Asahi when we need him." Inouka , lev and yaku said meanwhile with asahi , suagwara and daichi

Karasuno pov
Asahi sneezed and said "someone is calling me." At that time noya butdiled sugawara he accepted and put in speaker "hey whats-" noya said shouting with inouka and lev "we need Jesus!!!!!" "What's the-" "oh my god the noises font hinata and akaashi room are getting louder!!!!" Osamu said "go akaaaaaashiiiii!!!!" "Go go go!!!!!!" It was tendou and bokutoh supporting him "oh my god I can't I just cant." It was yaku and kenma trying to handel them "looks like they are gonna do it u tik hinata can't walk for days." Kuroo said to ushijima "I never knew they were doing it until he makes him his completely." Usjima said to kuroo "oh my god my baby!!!!." Suagwara said in the phone they were at the lunch table the nekoma team and fukorodani tem heared the convo "ita not like we haven't done it bokutoh." Kuroo said to bokutoh "oh my god no help!!! He got me !!!" Bokutoh said  nekoma team  were whistling "you know inouka you need to run as the noises are making me horney." Lev said smirking "help me he got.me!!!" The whole nekoma team were shocked exept for Yamamoto who was supporting them with tanaka "you better run kenma." Osamu said "oh god how are you so fast." Kenma said "um noya san..." Yaku said "no not you too yaku san" yaku got noya imidiately"help!! Us!!!." Tendou then noticed noas phone butdiled then he picked it up " how much did you guys hear?" Suagwara said "all of it also the other teams are here Yamamoto , tanaka and atsumu are currently supporting them and I don't know what will happen so can we come." "Sure if  the other teams want to come they can come." " Cool where are you guys anyway?" "Lev's big family cabin" "isn't that far away." "Well lev drove them cause of kageyama and tsukishima who were following them but now they are safe as lev has a high tech security system also I want you guys to come, also knock on the door as the bell dosent work." "Okay..." Suagwara ended the call "everyone we are going to lev's cabin pack your stuff as we are going to stay there so you all can come tendou says he has a lot of rooms." "Road trip!!!!" 
Me:that's it for today you guys
Tamaki:hope you guys enjoyed
Bokutoh:nat!!!why I'm now not going to walk for days
Inouka and noya:us too!!!!
Hinata:yea me too!!
Me:the private room is free akaashi
Akaashi:ok nat
Me: I he private rooma are free kuroo , yaku , osamu and lev
Tendou:thnx for including.me nat :gives a cinamonroll smile:
Me:you are such a cinamonroll tendou
Anime_bitch:that's why you called.me here tendou is a cinamonroll nat he is
Me:I know girl!!!!
Tamaki::shows a cauter face:
Me:gah tamaki is more cuter
(Both of them having a. Cute off!!!me and Anime_bitch eating popcorn and enjoying the competition)
Me:you both are cinamonroll's!!!!
Anime_bitch:yea!!!!anyways thnx for the call nat
Me:you can stay here of you want
Anime_bitch:ok thnx guys!!!
Tendou:no problem
Tamaki:any time
(Me and Anime _ bitch died from tok much cuteness.)
Tamaki:ima end the video here bye guys hope you guys enjoyed also go to Nats youtube channel ID oy wnat more akahina content bye guys also subscribe to iiB1ueF1ameii she has rare ships.so.pls.subscribwnti her channel bye!!!.""ends video"

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