people who wanted to beat the abusive boys up

97 3 5

Me:ok people i bought these two ... Feel free to do anything you want ...

Ashleytheweeb :'is standing next to the gate' i can't hold the gate closed...

Me:let them in...

Kageyama:what ia happening!!!?

Tsukishima:why are their weapons all over the ground-

Me:the weebs made a petition to kill you and i approved i am just gonna sit back and observe

Tsukishima:what about-ow!!!

Coffee_Insomniac_2:'throws a rock at him'

KawaiiKyuuxx:ehm!! What the hell!!!

Tsukishima:finally someone on mt sid- oh shit!!! She has a rocket launcher!!!

FuckOffHomophobes:'kicks open the door' attack!!!!!

Kenmien:'plays attack on titan opening' go!!!!

Shoyo_S1mp: 'tackles Kageyama who tried to run' i got him!!!

Me:'sees everything on camera' oh!!! She went for the balls!!!!

Ashleytheweeb:why did you allow this?

Me:i am the author of this book so you have to expect me to see this crazy shit...

Ashleytheweeb:you got a point there-

Me:exactly!!! Now beat their asses they tried to get my baby hinata pregnant when he is already in a harem go for the stomach!!!!

Zhongli:'appears out of no where'

Me:'knows what he is going to do' don't do it don't dont do it...

Zhongli:i will have 'gets knocked out by venti'


The hinata protection squad(you guys):let's go!!!!

KawaiiKyuuxx:did everyone just ignore the fact she said they tried to get him pregnant...

FuckOffHomophobes:'sees them hiding in a house' FBI OPEN UP!! We are just gonna talk 'has a grenade'

Me:oh god...

A thousand yearr later.

Me:and that is the story of how your mom's enemies died... Those soldiers were brave to handle a salt boy and a milk boy

Hatsune:wow.... Anyways who wants to play with baby kaeya.

Shipper_with_a_knife:'kidnaps him' you ain't gonna get me!!!!

Me:fifth time this week!!! 'Has a knife'

Ashleytheweeb:not again...

Hatsune:you literally like this...

Ashleytheweeb:it happens every day!!!

Hatsune:anyways i have to go back to shooting...

Me:Hatsune do you prefer blondes or Brown's...

Hatsune:why do you ask...

Me:'has a love triangle scene' oh nothing!!!

FNAF_Studios:i bought chicken nuggets-was there a war zone at the set!!?

Me:yes i have the recording...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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