(ch-9 happy birthday Hinata )

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Akahina pov
Hinata woke up on his bed seeing akaashi beside him "morning akaashi san." Hinta kissed him on his forehead and he woke up sudden "morning shoyo."  Akaashi hugged him and hinata hugged back "let's get ready we have to go or maybe not as someone of us are sore." Hinata asked akaashi who said "let's stay here then." Akaashi grabed hinata by the waist tightly "um akaashi san." Hinata was confused "I have to go freshen up akaashi san." Hinata said akaashi picked up hinata and went to the bathroom they just got freshened up together and they are wearing causual clothes at home "um akaashi san you can put-" akaashi kissed hinata he kissed back wrapping arms around his neck he then broke the kiss "let's go back to the others." Akaashi said carrying hinata to the living room "hey guys oh my god you guys too!!" Hinata saw the bottom getting carried  exept for inouka and noya and bokutoh"yup oh my god" kenma said as he looked at shoyo akaashi saw them "oh my god looks.like osamu went hard on kenma." Bokutoh signaled them to run bokutoh carried hinata inouka carried kenma "run run run!!!" Hinata said akaashi caught up to bokutoh and took hinata "hehe sorry about it." Same with kenma "you guys go without us!!!" Akaashi took hinata to his room "shoyo san..." Akaashi kissed hinata's forehead and then made him sit on his lap "shh~" he kissed hinata's cheek "um akaashi san." Akaashi looked at a blushing hinata "yea hinata..." Hinata looked away blushing "oh um it's nothing." Akaashi looked at hinata it was definitely something "you ok hinata?" Akaashi asked the tangerine who was now blushing a lot akaashi grabed hinata's waist tighter "you know let's go somewhere."  He said bumping their heads akaashi hugged him tightly hinata hugged him back "well what do you wana. Do?" Hinata asked akaashi lev came in on time "guys the roads are closed cause the storm occurred last night so can stay here." Hinata looked a smiling akaashi "well then so looks like I'll have to spend some alone time with you." Akaashi said looking at hinata who was blushing a lot  "y-yea...." Akaashi pulled hinata closer "something is wrong what's up?" Hinata grabed his phone and showed it to him "oh my god I thought he was in jail!?" Akaashi said looking at hinata's phone it was a.message from kageyama it said 'i am coming back for my revenge on you hinata and Also kenma for one time locking me in the basement and beating me up!!' akaashi got mad and he felt a pair of hands on his neck it was hinata hugging him "calm down akaashi san...." He whispered akaashi hugged him back after that hinata went to sleep as he got bored akaashi went to the others down stairs

The gang pov
"We got a major problem." Akaashi showed them the message "revenge on kenma and hinata we need to do something.." inouka said he looked at lev "I think I have a plan but they might be getting closer to hinata so one needs to check on him." Bokutoh and yaku went to check on hinata "my god what have we gotten ourselves into..." Kuroo said noya on the other hand had a plan he called suagwara
S:hey noya what's going on
N: kageyama and tsukishima got out of jail and now are planning revenge on hinata
S:well let's just say we knew and we tie then up here
N:oh my god
S: yea Yamaguchi receive the same message
N:oh my god send me a video and also-
S:also wish hinata a happy birthday from me
N: ok!
Noya hang up the phone with a realisation "it's hinata's birthday!" He said everyone got suprised akaashi didn't at all "well I knew and I was gonna make him breakfast so now I'm gonna get back to my work." Kenma on the other hand also had a gift for hinata "me and osamu got him a t-shirt for his birthday good luck people!"  Lev  then remembered he had a notebook of volleyball he hadn't used inouka had a hoodie "well me an inouka got something." Kuroo already remember the crow plushie "oh my god I also remember I have a crow plushie and Bokutoh has an owl we need to give him.." noya was sad he didn't got anything yaku patted him "I have a little giant poster for hich someone got me by mistake so you can get in on mine!" Noya on the other hand had an idea "I'm gonna make meat buns for him!" Yaku got suprised and the two were now working together to make meet buns and give him the poster .

Hinata pov
I saw akaashi having a tray full of breakfast "happy birthday hinata and I remembered." He said laying the tray beside him hinata smiled "thnx akaashi san.." hinata kissed his cheek and hugged him after eating breakfast  with akaashi I asked him "do the others.." akaashi lifted his chin "they know about kageyama hinata and let's just say they tied him up with tsukishima so that the police could catch him..." He said to me I smiled "ok so now what?" Akaashi hugged Hinata "let's just read fan fiction." Hinata open his tablet to find a book from Anime_Bitcx and a Nathaliegachalifeand the two made cool fan fics they read one bokuhina and one akahina fan fiction "oh my god these two are like bff's I mean nathalie has mentioned her In each story so far." Hinata said akaashi noded bokutoh and kuroo came and sat next to them "oh my god are you guys reading fan fiction on me and hinata!" Bokutoh asked and hinata noded bokutoh then saw in one of the story "I love him as a son you two."
Anime_Bitcx: what did you say!!!
Me:stop stop stop
Anime_bitchx : ok girl
Me: ok then back to the story sorry for the Chaos
The four red a kenhina fanfic "my god...um..did we just." Hinata said kuroo noded with bokutoh and akaashi nosing too "yup!" Hinata sighed  "ok then..."  They kept reading other fanfic and then they stoped as it was lunch time hinata smelled near buns "I smell something..." Hinata said he followed the smell and he went to the kitchen to see noya and yaku making meat buns!!! "Oh hey hinata just In. Time for lunch we gonna have meat buns made by noya and Yaku!!" Noya Said yaku handed him the poster hinata thought and said "oh my god thnx you two!!!!" Hinata said taking the poster "we raised the bars pretty high..." Yaku said noya noded taking the meat buns out "yup mah bro we did..." After all that the others heard it "no nope we will." Kenma said with osamu nodeing they we t to hinata room "hey shoyo." Kenma gaved hinata the t-shirt it was folded when he opened it he saw a pic of the three "my god guys..."h cried a little as it said bff forever hinata hugged the two *aw no problem shoyo." The two high fived each other noya and yaku were watching but yaku and noya set the bar way high with meatbuns and the poster and it's a tie!" Then inouka enter with an outfit "you'll like this more as you are keeping it!" Hinata we t and tried on the outfit

" The two high fived each other noya and yaku were watching but yaku and noya set the bar way high with meatbuns and the poster and it's a tie!" Then inouka enter with an outfit "you'll like this more as you are keeping it!" Hinata we t and tried ...

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Everyone was in aw and akaashi his nose bleed hinata the out a tissue he blowed his nose and after he removed it he said "you should wear that for the rest of the day!" Everyone agreed hinata then said *thnx Inouka san I was really looking for a c...

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Everyone was in aw and akaashi his nose bleed hinata the out a tissue he blowed his nose and after he removed it he said "you should wear that for the rest of the day!" Everyone agreed hinata then said *thnx Inouka san I was really looking for a cat outffit so that." Hinata whispered to inouka "I can wear it for akaashi san..." And then he left going back to akaashi noya and yaku said "we have meatbuns for lunch so go get it!!" They all went down and had lunch after lunch the talked and played for a few hours lev gives him his gift "here you go hinata san a volleyball notebook." Hinata thanked him kuroo and bokutoh gaved him a crow and an owl plushie "aw thnx yoy too now I have something to remind me of akaashi san..." He said cuddeling it akaashi whispered something in his ear "how about I give my gift to you." Hinata was blushing and akaashi carried him to their room "well atleast he cut the cake now.lets eat!" Noya said

Akahina pov
Akaashi threw hinata on the bed he then kissed him hinata kissed back akaashi kissed his neck "ahh~ keiji san~." Hinata said akaashi put his hand under his top kid friendly this is kid friendly!!!!;!

Anime_bitcx:it ain't that kid friendly it's teen friendly
Me:yea but kiss friendly too!
Osamu:meh I don't think soo
Kenma:yea me too
Me:you guys are just jealous don't worry I'll do match makers today ok!
Kenma:ok thank god I am shipped with akaashi on this one
Osamu:and me with hinata
Atsumu:why not-
Nathalie:"puts the sword on the side of his neck." Get out now or ima kill you with this knife
Yuri: anyways do it do it
Me:ok fine so matchmaker is when osamu , hinata , kenma and akaashi are on a mission to find a match of their team's this may contain some shittykawa fans and in order to find the other match will they be able to find their too ,find out on the matchmaker's the ships have already been given rare as always anyways bye!!!!

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