(ch-8 sexduable date)

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Akaashi pov
Hinata was beside me he was so cute god I have been so lucky and I was pretty much blushing until he woke up

Hinata's pov
"Hey akaashi san.." I said as I woke up beside him rubbing my eyes "so you are not gonna call me keiji san like last night shoyo san~." He said making me blush even more blush he then lifted my chin and kissed me I kissed back we broke the kiss after a few seconds "keiji san..." He then looked at me "shoyo san..." We then hugged eachother after getting cleaned up , took a shower and changed into our clothes and went downstairs to see the rest of the group waiting for us

The group pov
"Morning you two." We saw them sleepless " did I went to hard last night ?" Akaashi said looking embarrassed "yea you did and cause of that we got fucked too!!" Noya said In anger "sorry noya senpai." Hinata said "don't act like yoy didn't enjoy it noya~." Yaku said to noya who was blushing hardcore "y-yaku san!!!" Then they heared a knock on the door they opened the door to see some members of karasuno , fukorodani , nekoma and inarzaki "hey hinata san" " hey suagamama come inside you guys." Hinata said letting them in "oh I invited them." Tendou said as they sat down on the sofa "noya butdiled me and I had to put in speaker." They all got embarrassed as they must have heard their convo "we already know who's top and bottom." Tanaka said smirking with Yamamoto and atsumu they all had breakfast hinata and akaashi hasn't talked all day so akaashi decides to take hinata into their room in the room "no not again!!!! Asahi we need holy water!!!." Lev , noya and inouka said "hide us!!" Bokutoh and kenma said suagwara went mama mode and hid them behined him "don't one near these presious children also support akahina as tou want it's my fav OTP."
Tanaka , Yamamoto , atsumu , konoha , tendou and bokutoh started to support them from outside listing

Akahina pov
"What is it keiji san." Hinata asked curiously "nothing it's just we haven't talked since morning and it's kinda you know-" "making you jealous like yesterday ." Akaashi noded and blushed "oh..then so let's talk." Akaashi made hinata sat on his lap he was playing with his hair while hinata was nuzzling his face into his chest "so should we hangout after practice with kenma , osamu , lev , inouka , bokutoh, kuroo,yaku and noya?" Akaashi asked "well yea we can hangout after all the eight of us are close friends and we don't hangout without them heh." Hinata said "but if your not there it wouldn't be the same like last time you couldn't come cause you had fever all of us were worried." Hinata said akaashi blushed "so that's why you guys came so you would take care of me and you stayed over heh it was kinda the best knowing we are always there for each other." Akaashi then put his hand on hinata cheek and kissed him hinata kissed back "so do you wana.." akaashi asked hinata looking nervously and at that time lev , inouka , noya, kenma , yaku and osamu,bokutoh and kuroo busted in hugging the two

The gang pov
They started to hug them as they heared everything "you guys felt that way." Kenma said hinata noded "well we are the gang after all and we are always together we are always together and thus is our hangout spot also the you know spot." They nodded in joy "let's just promise we won't leave eachother and stay together." Bokutoh said all of them noded and said "promise" all of them said together "also akaashi we are gonna leave you alone with hinata if you want." All of them said smirking at the two and went out

Akahina pov
"So where were we ." Akaashi kissed hinata softly and passionately wrapping his arms around his waist hinata kissed back wrapping arms around his neck akaashi licked his lip for entrance hinata opened his mouth a little then they started making out they broke the kiss he then hugged him "you know shoyo san maybe we can go hangout together like last time and but this time somewhere else you like." Akaashi told hinata "well maybe the zoo but can we make a sexduable date with the gang.?" Hinata asked akaashi curiously "of course." Akaashi noded "thnx keji san!!!." Hinata hugged him all of a sudden akaashi hugged him back "no problem shoyo san." Akaashi played with hinatas hair

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