(ch-13 mission akahina)

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At 8:00
Sunshine-setter 🌞☁️️:

Stormy-cloud ☁️️:who is This?

Sunshine-setter 🌞☁️️: Hatsune I got your number from my mom phone

Stormy-cloud ☁️️:mhm so what do you want..

Sunshine-setter 🌞☁️️:wolfy is with me again...

Stormy-cloud ☁️️:oh thnx for telling I was getting worried

Sunshine-setter 🌞☁️️:no problem! Oh wolfy is hungry now!

Stormy-cloud ☁️️:oh ok bye! I'll pick her up send your address

Sunshine-setter 🌞☁️️: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx here!!

Stormy-cloud ☁️️:I will pick her up later...

No one pov
Hatsune closed her phone 'he is coming!!' wolfy hoofed "mhm..." Hatsune said  then a few minutes later someone knocked on the door "he is here!" Hatsune said and ran to open the door "hello Hatsune..." Akaashi said "hi akaashi-san..." Hatsune said then she moved aside to let him in "nice house..." Akaashi said he saw wolfy laying on hinata's lap "wolfy..." Akaashi said wolfy came to akaashi "oh um hey akaashi san..." Hinata said "hello hinata..." Akaashi said "so um what brings you here-" "wolfy came here so I message him so he couldn't get worried..." Hatsune said "oh well how did you get his number..." Hinata said "from your phone it was easy to find ...." Hatsune said akaashi looked at Hatsune she looked just like him "so Hatsune where is your dad..." Akaashi said "oh I have never seen my dad before..." Hatsune said "akaashi..." Hinata said "what I was just asking..." Akaashi said "do you two know something..." Hatsune said wolfy hoofed "stupid remember the convo from yesterday..." "The convo from yesterday I heard that you told him that I am his daughter..." Hatsune said akaashi and hinata's eyes viden "so he is my dad..." Hatsune said akaashi noded "I forgot she got the brains from you..." Hinata said "mhm..." Akaashi said then Hatsune hug akaashi hug back "why did you leave us?" She asked "well it is cause of my parents...they wanted me to marry someone else luckily the arrangement marriage got cancelled..." Akaashi said "did mom told you about me..." Hatsune said "well we lost touch with eachother seems like fate bought us together again..." Akaashi said then hinata looked away blushing "can you stay the night!" Hatsune said "Hatsune he has wor-" "sure!" Akaashi said then he looked at hinata 'hinata still looks beautiful as always..' akaashi thought "yay!!" Hatsune said "Hatsune did you do your homework?" Hinata Asked "I had already done my homework..." Hatsune said then akaashi kept staring at hinata he wanted to hug him and kiss him "dad ...." Hatsune said "akaashi you ok!" Hinata said akaashi snapped out his thoughts "y-yea I am fine..." Akaashi said "anyways I am gonna go make some dinner cause it is almost dinner time..." Hinata said then hinata went to the kitchen to make dinner
After eating dinner akaashi and hinata had to share a room since Hatsune wanted them too "so hinata how have you been?" Akaashi asked "good...." Hinata said then akaashi notice something on his arms "hinata are those cuts..." Akaashi said and pulled up his sleeve there were a lot of cuts "hinata I told you not to cut yourself..." Akaashi said "well we broke up remember meaning I was in pain again!" Hinata said "what if Hatsune found out about you cutting yourself she would think it's her fault when it's mine for leaving you alone!!" Akaashi said "akaashi san..." Hinata said "I Missed you so so much...I wanted to hug and kiss you so bad!!" Akaashi said "then why didn't you-" "cause you wouldn't forgive me shoyo san..." Akaashi said "well you take this as a sign of me forgiving you..." Hinata said and kissed his cheek "another one shoyo-san~" akaashi said then hinata was almost gonna kiss his cheek but then Hinata kissed akaashi on the lips akaashi kissed back wrapping arms around his waist akaashi broke the kiss "I missed this...." Hinata said akaashi smirked and kissed him again hinata kissed back wrapping arms around his neck akaashi bit his bottom lip for entrance hinata gaved entrance right away akaashi slip his tounge in his mouth they started to make out and remove eachother clothes then akaashi kissed hinata neck and chest making hickey "ahh~" hinata moaned "ahh~ keiji san!!~" hinata moaned "I want to hear these sounds more..." Akaashi said

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