albedo ; sleeping under the stars

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"Ah, so this is where you go every night." You jumped a little at the sudden voice that interrupted the silent night, sitting up and turning around.

"Oh, hello..." You mumbled, laying back down, sighing as you stared at the starry sky.

"So, what're you doing here, Albedo? It's quite the rare occurrence that you aren't with Sucrose experimenting." From the corner of your eye, you saw him sitting down next to you, tilting his head up as he closed his eyes, letting out a soft breath.

"I'm giving Sucrose a little time off to do what she pleases, and I've been doing the same. It's quite draining to be spending so much time in Dragonspine,"

"I can't even imagine how you survive there wearing short sleeves." You laughed, seeing Albedo let out a small smile.

"What do you think of the stars?" You asked suddenly. Albedo pondered for a moment before answering.

"I think the stars are quite a fascinating thing, I think it would be quite the opportunity to get a chance to study them. Why do you ask?" You furrowed your brows, thinking back on what had happened when you had helped the Aether with the meteors.

"Ah, no reason I suppose..." You trailed off. Albedo noticed your sudden silence, but decided to not question it, instead leaning more towards changing the subject to perhaps take your mind off of whatever was bothering you.

"So, tell me, why is it that you come here? If you don't mind my asking, of course." He asked.

A silence filled the air, making the atmosphere a little bit tense as you wondered about whether or not you should tell him.

"I have insomnia." You sighed. "It's easier to fall asleep out here than in Monstadt, y'know?"

You stretched out before sitting up, swiping your hands along the soft blades of grass before leaning back on them, tilting your head at Albedo who was looking at you with a slightly surprised look.

"I can make a potion for that if you would like." He offered. You shrugged, looking back at him with a smile playing on your lips.

"I like to stargaze, so it might be a win-win for me." Albedo frowned at this, and you quirked your eyebrow at him.

"Sleep is essential to daily life (Y/N), you can't just go with so little of it. It's no wonder your eyebags are so pronounced." You stared at him.

"Huh? Wow, and here I thought I was doing so well at not having them,'s almost as if I literally don't care-"

"Sleep is very important for the body (Y/N), it repairs itself when you aren't-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever genius boy." You rolled your eyes at him, and he just let out an exasperated sigh at your statement.

"Hey, don't sigh at me!"

"Your actions deserve a sigh." Scoffing, you looked back up at the twinkling stars, but just a moment later, a gloved hand gently brushed back some of your hair and placed something behind your ear.

"Huh...?" Feeling behind your ear, you recognized the delicate petals of a Cecilia flower. Looking to the side, you found Albedo looking at you with a playful look in his bright teal eyes, a smug smirk dancing on his pale lips.

A bright flush filled your face, suddenly realizing just how close he was to you.

"You're a very interesting individual (Y/N); you fascinate me. I can never figure out what exactly is on your mind. It very much reminds me of the enchantment of a new experiment, or perhaps even the stars." The flush that was left on your cheeks deepened into a more concentrated color as you processed his words.

"Now..." One of his gloved hands covered your eyes, the other turning you so your back was facing him, before he gently pushed you down, your head landing on his lap.

"Go to sleep. It's quite an important thing for your body." His hand stayed over your eyes for a moment before taking it off, brushing a piece of hair from your face.

You weren't exactly sure what just happened, but you weren't complaining. You'd always been curious about the alchemist, and the two of you had begun to get to know each other, it made you crave to know more about him.

"Um, Albedo? Er, what're-"

"You really are fascinating." He whispered softly, leaning down to press a light kiss to your forehead.

"Sleep well, (Y/N)."


and then you fell asleep ‼️‼️

NEWAYS do you guys want a part two to this? bc I can definitely make that happen 🥴🥴

also I literally saved all my primogems starting from nov 25th and I still didn't get the pretty elevator boy, so I decided to write about him 😩✋🏽‼️

yes, I'm salty.

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