klee ; play time

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platonic obviously, but klee is so cute I hope she gets a rerun someday ><

reader is around the same age as traveler kjhkjh




Waiting around forever for Kaeya in the Headquarters for the Knights of Favonius was testing your patience, to say the least. 

You had been waiting for over an hour for him to finish up whatever he was doing so you could get this mission over with, but the amount of time he was taking was ridiculous. You were extremely close to just asking DIluc if he can help instead, mostly just to spite Kaeya, but-

"Miss (Y/N)!! Help!" You looked to the side to find Jean holding a squirming Klee who was trying to escape her grasp. Jean had an exasperated look on her face, very obviously done for the day with Klee's antics. 

"Klee! What did you do this time..." You gave an exasperated smile, not surprised that this was happening again. 

"Klee didn't even do anything! Klee was-"

"Blowing up the fish in the lake. You know what that means Klee." The stern tone in Jean's voice was enough to make Klee pout and look off to the side, not completely denying that it had happened. 

She just wants to play, right? I can do that! 

"Jean! What do you say I play with Klee for today? I'll definitely keep an eye on her!" Klee's sad mood was instantly brightened, and you could almost see the sparkles in her eyes at your idea. 

You could tell Jean was on the fence about the idea, and you gave a smile, trying to look as responsible as possible, though you weren't quite sure how to look responsible. A moment passed before Jean sighed and put Klee down. 

"Okay then, just make sure you keep a close check on her (Y/N)." You nodded enthusiastically, watching Jean walk back to her office. 

I hope that she isn't working too much again... 

You smiled as you saw Klee jumping around, giggling excitedly at the fact that she didn't have to be punished. 

"Yay!! Thank you Miss (Y/N)!! You're the best!" Before you could say anything, she grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the main door, opening it and dragging you behind her as she started to run. 

"Woah, Klee! Where are we going?" 

"It's a surprise!! You're gonna like it, I promise!" 


"Ah..." You weren't exactly sure what to expect when she said that, but you should have figured something was up with it. 

Klee had dragged you all the way to the Thousand Winds Temple, where apparently she had hidden her new treasure. As you assumed, there was now a Ruin Guard in the place where she supposedly had hidden this treasure, and now you were in a bit of a dilemma. 

You assumed that she came here with Jean, so she was the one who probably took care of the Ruin Guard before, and while you could fight it, you weren't really in the mood. 

"My treasure..." You looked down at Klee, who had her eyebrows furrowed as she looked into the empty space. 

Ah what the hell...

"Say, would you like to help me out?" Klee looked up at you, still sad, but now a little curious as to what you were talking about. 

"With what?" You smiled at her and nodded in the direction of the Ruin Guard. She instantly lit up, her sad expression from a moment ago nowhere to be seen. 

"Yay! Let's go find Klee's treasure!" 


The Ruin Guard was no problem at all with the help of Klee's bombs, (which are surprisingly terrifying) and so now here you were, looking up and down trying to find the treasure that she had hidden here. It had been around an hour, and still nothing. You were thinking of maybe telling her it was enough, but she was determined to find it, so you just went along with it. 

Looking under a pillar you had already looked under a million times, you looked over at Klee, who was on the steps, looking under them to see if it was maybe there. 

"Miss (Y/N), come over here! I found it!" Your head perked up at her words, and you jogged over, now interested in what this treasure was, (and rightfully so, since the two of you had spent so long looking for it).

Klee couldn't even stand still because she was so excited; she was lightly jumping from side to side as she waited for you to climb the stairs, a medium-sized red pouch in her hands. 

"Alright, so what is this treasure you wanted to show me?" You questioned, kneeling down to match her height. 

"This is it Miss (Y/N)! It's super duper cool! Razor helped me get it!" She fumbled with the tie, trying to undo it. You tried to help her, but she refused, insisting that she do it by herself. She eventually got it open after a minute, and wrapped inside was...

"A red wolfhook?" Klee nodded enthusiastically, sparkles in her eyes as she looked at it. 

"Razor said it reminded him of Klee!" You sighed, laughing a little bit. You weren't exactly sure what to be expecting when she opened it, but you definitely weren't imagining this. 

"It does kind of remind me of you though..." You mumbled, looking between the red wolfhook and Klee. 

She giggled and picked up the wolfhook, gently holding it in her hands. She looked down at it for a moment with a sudden look on her face, as though she was contemplating something very important. 

"Uh, Klee, are you okay- STOP IT NO!!" Klee chomped right into the wolfhook, and you screamed out in surprise. 

"Thish tashtesh vewy funny, I-"

"KLEE!! YOU CAN'T EAT WOLFHOOKS!!" She looked at you in confusion, and a moment later you could see the tears in her eyes. 

"Ish Klee gonna-"



yeah I didn't know how to end it um

pls I'm getting such bad writing burnout T_T most likely because I have good ideas but then the next second I forget what they are before writing them down 

anyways remember that one surfing anime everyone was talking about??? yeah well I caught up w the rest of the episodes and tbh its kinda mediocre but HIM 

anyways remember that one surfing anime everyone was talking about??? yeah well I caught up w the rest of the episodes and tbh its kinda mediocre but HIM 

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HELLO?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? HE SO CUTE OMG LITERALLY DEAD 

but yeah wave is alright, it could be better if they fixed some things ANYWAYS remember to pls not request???? when it says its closed???? literally its not hard 

but I digress, anyways anyone who isn't already there, you should join my discord server, its very fun and lots of nice people, and dm for link bc I'm tired of refreshing the link every week in my bio BKJJKHJB

anyways stay safe and be careful and wEAR YOUR MASKS

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