valentine's special ; scaramouche

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You stared at the card in your hand, leaning against your doorway. You weren't even sure why you wrote this stupid letter; he probably wouldn't be taking it seriously and would probably think it was some sort of prank and ignore it. 

Why does this have to be so hard...

You started to go back into your room, thinking about just scrapping the entire idea and spending the rest of the day sulking in your room. But alas, things never really decided to go your way, did they?

"(Y/N)! Whaddaya got there?" Murmuring silent curses underneath your breath, you tried to hurry and shut the door, but it was held open by a certain orange-haired man. 

"Woah woah woah, got something to hide?" Childe smirked at you, a questioning look in his eyes. 

You tried to slowly hide the letter behind your back, but his eyes trailed to your slowly moving hand. He chuckled mischievously before his hand darted out, grabbing your wrist and pulling it towards him. 

"Archons, you're such a nuisance..." You muttered, trying to pull your wrist back. He merely grabbed the letter with his other hand and held it out of your reach.

"Could this a love letter? Oh is my little (Y/N) in love with somebody? It is Valentine's Day after all..." Childe's ocean eyes were glinting with a certain danger that made you a little bit nervous. 

He began to open the letter, and you tried not to show too much desperation, since that would only make him more curious. As he opened the letter and skimmed through it, your breath stopped and your heart pounded as you begged the gods for him to not do anything about it. 

As he read the last part, it was obvious he was trying not to burst out into laughter, which you pretty angry. What was funny about it!? You were going to throw it away anyway, so what was the big deal!?

"I'm going to throw it away anyway, so stop making such a big fuss and give it back." Childe just kept laughing, and even had to wipe his eyes because he was crying from his laughter. 

"Ahaha, this is just too funny! I have to show this to that midget! Ahaha!" He started walking over to Scaramouche's room, and you bolted out of the doorway, trying to kick out the back of his knees. Childe dodged of course, but the pure panic that was coursing through you right now was unrivaled to any panic you've felt before. 

"CHILDE!" You yelled, trying to get him to stop. He didn't even knock on the door, and yet Scaramouche opened it, an annoyed look on his face as he looked towards the two of you. 

"Are you two really not capable of shutting the fuck up? Honestly, it's quite-"

"I-It's hilarious! You have to look at this, ahahaha!!" Childe laughed handing the letter to Scaramouche. He looked at him with a cautious yet also disgusted look before taking the letter and starting to read it. 

This is it, my life is over. 

"Archons Childe! Why do you have to be so goddamn fucking annoying sometimes!?" You landed a solid kick to his family jewels, making him kneel over in pain, a muttered 'oomph' sound coming from his mouth. The only thing that brought you a little bit of joy was the look of amusement on Scaramouche's face.  You then took fast and long strides to get away, not wanting to see the reaction on his face when he finished reading the letter. 

He was probably going to trash it anyway. 

The roof of the Tsaritsa's palace was quite the view; you could practically see all of Sneznhaya from the top of it. Your legs dangled off the edge as you looked out, sighing for what seemed like the millionth time today. 

No, you weren't planning on jumping or anything, it was just a nice view. 

You tried not to think about the cheesy shit you put in that stupid letter, but you couldn't help it. You cringed every time you read it, but you had heard somewhere that Scaramouche liked that sort of thing; it probably wasn't even true, and you had most likely just completely destroyed any sort of relationship the two of you had. 

"What a fucking idiot..." You could feel your eyes stinging, and your vision started to blur, but you just looked up and tried not to blink. There was no way that you would be crying over some stupid love letter, you were a Fatui Harbinger for Archons' sake! 

"Stop it..." 

"You're quite bold." You laughed bitterly. Of all the times you had to see him, it had to be now?

"So, what're you here for? To mock me? To throw it in my face and call me disgusting? Get over it, it was a dare, so don't go thinking you're all that." You heard Scaramouche click his tongue at you, and you scoffed at him. 

"If it was a dare, then I don't have to tell you that I feel the same, right?" 


"What." He merely hummed, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. 


"uH, yes...?" You cursed your voice crack, slightly flinching at the embarrassment. Scaramouche just chuckled, his hand slowly moving up your torso and resting lightly around your neck. 

"Won't you be my valentine?"



also no more specials for today bc I'm tired so ill prob make more tomorrow even though tomorrow isn't valentines day anymore IDC IM MAKING MORE HEHEH

and yah 

anyways stay gorgeous babes 

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