valentine's special ; venti

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for @ArtsyCaramel :P (i have no idea if that tagged, it never tags for some reason-)




It was a pretty normal occurrence for you not to get anything on Valentine's Day, (not that you were expecting anything anyway) so when you woke up to a cecilia and a note by your window, you were shocked, to say the least. 


Follow the clues to find me, I'll be waiting for you ;P

I have a million stories hidden in my shelves, yet I cannot tell any of them. What am I?

"Huh..." You were confused, but there was no way you were going to let this weasel slip away without telling you who he was and how he managed to open your locked window. 

So, you quickly got dressed, barely managing to fix your hair before you set out, determined to find the person who sent you this, on Valentine's Day no less. 

Hmm, shelves...stories...hmm...a library perhaps...?

You decided to check it out anyways, jogging towards the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. As you entered the library, you breathed in the scent of the old book, relishing in the familiar feeling of being in the library. When you were younger, you would spend hours engrossed in all sorts of books, and although you didn't get around to it as much, you always enjoyed a good book. 

"Is there something you need darling?" You noticed Lisa calling out to you from a couple of meters away, and you smiled, running over to her. 

"Oh my, how out of breath you are! Could it be that you're perhaps here for the next part of the mystery?" You looked up at her, a look of confusion evident before you silently celebrated your small victory. 

"Yes, I am! Would you mind telling me who-"

"Ah ah ah, now that's a secret for me to keep, and you to find out, good luck~!" Lisa handed you a cecilia with a note attached to it before sauntering off to probably hunt down missing books. 

"Man, she didn't even answer my question..." As you looked at the cecilia in your hands, it brought a small smile to your face. even though you had no idea who was doing this, it reminded you of a certain someone...

Venti...I wonder what you're doing right now...


After running around Mondstadt for the entirety of the day, you were desperate to know who had taken all this time to set this up, just for you. After Lisa, you had gone to see Amber, Kaeya, Jean, Albedo, and you had just met up with Klee, (the edge of the paper was a little burnt, but still intact, thank goodness) 

"Oh, and (Y/N)-oneesan! He told me to tell you that this is the last one!" Your heart skipped a beat at her words, and you kneeled down, giving her a big hug. She giggled uncontrollably when you picked her up and spun her around, her laughter filling the silence of the coming evening. 

"Thank you Klee, I appreciate it! I'll see you later!" 

"Okay, byee!!" She ran back to Albedo, who had been keeping an eye on her nearby. 

This is the last one!! 

You eagerly opened the note, awaiting a riddle, but instead greeted by just a small message. 

Meet me under the tree ;P

~ venti

Venti...? He's the one who did all this?

You didn't even know what to think. To think that Venti had been the one to set up everything and put in the effort for this...oh boy, you could already feel your heart pounding. 

The pace you had getting to Windrise was considerably slower due to the thoughts rushing through your head. 

What is he going to say? Was it a prank? A joke? 

Before you knew it, you were under the giant tree. Your hand was gripping the small bouquet of cecilias you now had, a little bit- no, extremely nervous about what was going to be happening next. 

"wOAaAh-" You were so caught up in your thoughts that your boot got caught, making you trip over one of the tree roots, sending you tumbling forward. And yet, instead of hitting the ground, a strong gust of wind held you from falling, instead having you hover above the ground. 

"You're quite clumsy, aren't you?" A pair of hands gently held yours and helped you up as the sudden gust of anemo faded away. 

"Venti? So you were-ah..." You paused as he brought your hand up, gently kissing it and looking up at you. (think about that one pic of venti you know what I'm talking about tHE ONE-)

"So you followed the clues, huh? I'm glad you decided to..." He slipped a cecilia out of your hand, leaning his face unnecessarily close and tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, and placed the cecilia there. 


The blush ever-growing on your cheeks made Venti laugh a bit and he backed away. 

"Just kidding! You've been going all around Mondstadt today, huh? I guess that's my bad, I've never celebrated Valentine's Day before! Hehe, y'know, that look on your face is pretty cute!" 

"I, uhh-"

"Anyways, I told you to come here because I need to ask you something!" You nodded, too dazed and flustered to even try to say anything. His face had been so close to yours; his braids were swaying in the wind, along with the scent of dandelions and perhaps wine made your heart thump with excitement. 

His hand reached out and traced a pattern on your cheek, his forehead leaning forward to touch against yours. 

"Will you let me be your Valentine~?" 



but yes

anyways thatst the last valentine special, so I hope you guys enjoyed these!! I'll be writing the rest of some of the requests today and probably some of my own ideas and upload them a little later in the week as well!

as always, pls lmk if there's any error or sentences missing lolz and stay gorgeous!! mwah (also add me on genshin :P)

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