aether ; please stay

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contains spoilers for the story quest, "farewell archaic lord"




"Aether!! I can't let you go in!" You yelled, standing in front of the Golden House. 

"(Y/N), we both know I have to. Rex Lapis' Gnosis is in there, I can't let Childe get it. Please." His face looked pained as he looked at you; if he didn't have to do this, he wouldn't but he knew it had to be done by somebody. 

"Please...! Childe is a Harbinger; he has a Delusion!!  Are you sure you can go up against him!? Aether, please don't be reckless, what if..." You didn't even want to finish the thought. If Aether were to get severely injured, or even die, you wouldn't even know what to do. Perhaps you would die of a broken heart. 

Aether rested his hand on your shoulder, his other hand resting on your cheek, gently making you look at him. His golden eyes looked at you with mild regret, but they were filled with love. 

"(Y/N). Please believe in me; Childe is nothing that I cannot handle, so there is nothing for you to worry about. I'll come and join you once I'm done, but for now, meet up where the Adepti and Qixing are meeting. I have a slight feeling that it may not go as planned. Can you do that for me?" The tears were spilling out of your eyes; you didn't want to let him go. You had seen what Childe fought like, especially in the Foul Legacy Transformation, and just letting Aether go in and fight him seemed so wrong. 

His thumb wiped away your tears, and he gave a strained smile. 

"I love you so much." Aether's forehead leaned on yours, and he kissed you; it was a bittersweet moment, and the tears from both you of mixing in didn't help to make it sweeter. 

"You better not die, okay?" You said, looking at him with a half-hearted angry look. 

"I won't. Look after yourself too, okay?" You nodded in response, and he placed a peck on your forehead, giving a small smile before walking past you. 

"Paimon, look out for him, okay? And if anything bad happened, please come and get me." Paimon nodded, a determined look on her face. 

"What kind of guide would I be if I couldn't do that much!? You doubt Paimon too much (Y/N)!" She pouted as she floated away with Aether into the Golden House, and you couldn't help but watch until you could no longer see him. 

"Please be okay..." 


"(Y/N)!" You whipped your head around, looking for the familiar voice among the harbor. 

"(Y/N)!! We're over here!" Paimon appeared next to you, leading you to where Aether and her had been looking for you. You followed her with haste, eager to see Aether and maybe take him to Bubu Pharmacy if he needed it. 

A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a familiar embrace. 

"Aether..." You leaned back into his chest, closing your eyes as you felt him dig his head into your shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He nodded, and you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding. 

"Thank goodness..." You turned around in his arms so it was a proper hug, and put your arms around him, holding him close. 

You pushed him back a little bit though, just to scan him and make sure he really alright. 

"Okay, good. I was so worried..." You sighed, looking at Aether with a relieved look. He smiled gently at you before pulling you back into a hug, his chin resting on the top of your head.

And then he proceeded to pass out. 




omg a second update what a shocker hehe

I was about to give this an angsty ending but I decided against it because I literally hate angst so much so forgive me if the ending isn't that good lmao

but umm okay s o  o o o please give me a character to write for I'll write for both genders just plZ i cant think of anything T_T 

i just need to write to keep from literally imploding because I am vry stressed cause of school smh 

anyways have a good day/night! :P

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