cyno ; swyamahifprmaiy

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alternatively read as 

so whenever you ask me, again, how i feel, please remember, my answer is you " 



hey baes,,,so after weeks of trying and ultimately failing to write something because my brain is fried, I looked up some writing prompts and wrote this...also this is partly as a tribute to my dear friend heli passing away....*sobs* we need to plan a rite of parting




The days in Sumeru were as hot as ever, leaving you sweltering in the middle of the library, trying your best to focus for your upcoming tests, although it was a little hard to do so considering it felt like the might of the Pyro Archon was raining down from Celestia itself. 

You groaned, struggling for a moment to pull your head from the table due to the exhaustion you felt. As you pulled your head up, you almost laughed at the sight of the barren library. There was absolutely nobody here at all; even the librarian had left, most likely for a lunch break.

You couldn't blame them; it was absolutely sweltering in this place. The dust from the age-old books didn't exactly help that much either, since it made the air quote musty along with the humidity. 

Leaning back in your chair for a moment, you took a deep breath, taking a moment to put your thoughts to a stop and get back into a work mindset. The heat must have been getting to you because you didn't even notice the quiet presence from behind you, silently sighing at your tired state. 

Feeling something tickling your nose, you opened an eye and were quite startled by the familiar sight of your favorite person, who had leaned over from behind to give a soft kiss on your forehead, his fringe gently brushing against your face. His hand settled on your cheek, and you closed your eyes again, leaning into his hand. 

"Working hard as always I see." You merely hummed at him, enjoying the touch of his cool hand against your skin. All of a sudden, his gentle touch turned into him pinching your cheek stretching it out as you cried out in pain. 

"Heyy, why're you dwoing thaaaat it huuurts..." All you got back from him was a blank gaze looking down at you, and perhaps the tiniest smile.

"You shouldn't be here in this heat, you've been studying for quite a long time now, I can assure you that your tests will be fine." He let go of your cheek and stared at you with a dead gaze; you weren't quite sure if it was threatening or not yet. 

"Right, well I guess since you're back I can stop here for today...wait when did you get back?" Moving your head back to the front, you started packing up your books and whatnot, hurrying to shove them in your back so you can talk more with Cyno. 

"Not too long ago; I had to check back in at the Guild for some information." You hummed, slinging your bag over your shoulder and giving him a small smile. Now that you were standing up, you had a better view of him. Cyno usually did not give off a lot of information based on his posture, but he had the slightest tells, so it was obvious to you that he was tired. 

He must've used a powerful technique for something...I wonder what it is that Miss Lisa asked for...

"Ahh, I missed you. The hot days are a lot more bearable when you're around!" His eyes widened for a moment, and you noticed a slight flush to his cheeks at your words. His surprise was only there for a moment before he gently smiled at you, placing his hand on top of your head and looking into your eyes. 

Leaning forward, you brushed your hand over the top of his head, making his hood fall off to reveal his soft locks of white hair. 

Closing your eyes, you gently pressed your lips to his, running your fingers through the hair you had revealed by taking off his hood. His other hand reached up to rest of the small of your back, pulling you closer into him. After a moment, you two parted, and he pulled you into his embrace, his hand moving from the top of your head to the back, pressing your against him. 

"I missed you too." He murmured. The softness in his tone could not be replaced for anything else in the world; there was nothing like it. He hadn't said it, but you knew exactly what he meant. 

I love you . 


gah, cyno, i love him sm its not even funny hjkjkhjkh

anyways baes i hope you guys are doing alr, also I've been signed up for in person classes, lol 



this is going to be so fun 

also, pls stop requesting when the request page literally says closed lmao. 


anyways have a lovely day and stay safe!! (alsoyoushouldjoinmydiscordserveritssofunhahahahahaha dm me for a link)

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