valentine's special ; aether

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"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Over here!" You turned your head, looking around for the voice that had called you. Unknowingly, a small smile spread across your lips when you saw Aether, along with his friend who had been calling you. You walked over, wondering if there was something they were going to ask you. 

You hadn't seen much of the traveler, especially since you had been super busy helping to set up everything for the Lantern Rite. It was tiring, to say the least; you were quite exhausted at the end of every day, but when you thought about the amount of stuff that Aether did to help everybody else, it always motivated you. You were also always happy to help them set up every year, especially since it offered such a spectacular view at the end of it. 

"Paimon, Aether! How are you two doing? Enjoying the festivities for the Lantern Rite?" You asked. 

"(Y/N)! Paimon's stomach is full every day from all the tasty food from the stalls! And we're always playing the Theatre Mechanicus game, this guy over here insists on it for some reason..." Aether rolled his eyes at Paimon, who was giving him a weird stare.  

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the food Paimon." You chuckled at her, but before you could say anything else, she suddenly screamed out something about Sticky Honey Roast and floated away at a rather fast pace. 

"Oh, is she going to be alright? Hopefully nobody catches her and sells her off..." You murmured, slightly concerned for the pixie's well-being. 

"Nothing to be concerned about. If she really is in trouble, she'll just disappear into the void, or wherever she goes." You chuckled at his comment, looking off to the side a bit awkwardly as a silence fell over the two of you. 

Come on (Y/N), say something!



You both blinked at each other, and you smiled at him, silently telling him to continue. You noticed a rosy hue rise into his cheeks, and you couldn't help but try and take a mental picture. 


"So, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe, uh, release a Xiao Lantern with me at the Festival tonight..." You stared at him, partly from shock, and partly from excitement. After not receiving a response, you could tell that Aether was getting nervous, but you couldn't think of anything to say. Your mind had gone blank, only focusing on the fact that he has asked you to release a lantern with him. 

"It's fine if you don't want to though! It was stupid anyways, haha, I gotta go-"

"W-Wait! Hold on, no, I was just, um...surprised!! I was just surprised is all, haha..." You had grabbed his wrist as he attempted to leave, and you could feel how tense he was. 

"Um, I would love to go with you..." You looked to the side, nervously nibbling on your bottom lip as you awaited his response to you. 

"Wow, uh, that's great then! Meet me here tonight, an hour before it starts, okay?" 

"Okay..." Your grip loosened around his wrist, and you were about to pull your hand away, but before you could, he slipped his hand out of your grasp and laced your fingers together, and squeezed your hand gently. You were about to say something, maybe question him, but he had already slipped away, leaving you completely dazed in the middle of the harbor. 

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