xingqiu ; tease

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The thin pages of the paper brushed gently against your fingertips as the pages flipped; a soft breeze flitted past your cheek, almost as if the Anemo was reacting with your skin. 

One should most certainly not forget the blue-headed bookworm laying your lap, his soft amber eyes unveiling from behind his lids to scan the features of your face. 

Feeling a piercing stare, you looked down to notice Xingqiu was burning his gaze into you. You promptly shut the book, setting it aside as you stared back at him, an amused smirk appearing on your face. 

"So, what is it?" Xingqiu sighed at your words, looking almost disappointed. 

"I would think by now you would know, my love." You rolled your eyes playfully, moving your fingers to pinch and stretch his cheeks. 

"However would I know what you may be talking about? I would not happen to know a thing about it." You feigned ignorance, and the slightly irritated look on Xingqiu's face was more than telling of his reaction. You let go of his cheeks, giggling a bit before gently brushing the bangs off his forehead and leaning down. 

"Just kidding." The whisper floated past your slightly parted lips; the teasing words were almost like an enchantment, drawing him slightly upwards to connect his lips with yours. 

Gently fluttering butterflies flew around in the pit of your stomach as the warmth burst between the two of you, his lips dancing in sync with yours like a cherry blossom in the wind. 

Xingqiu broke away for a moment, slightly panting as he looked at you, an adoring look in his eyes. He leaned his head up more, his forehead connecting with yours as he gently pushed you back onto the grass, smirking as he moved his head close to your ear. 

He blew in your ear, making you suck a breath in at his teasing move. His soft breaths fanning across your skin made you flush as you waited for what he was going to do next. 

He placed a soft kiss on your cheek, moving up to your forehead, then the other cheek, and giving small kisses to your entire face. 

"Xingqiuu, you're being-" Before you could finish your sentence, his lips were on yours. You could feel him smiling into the kiss at his teasing, though you swore you would get him back for this someday. 

Your hand slipped behind his head, caressing his choppy blue locks before pushing him closer to you. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip, and you immediately gave him access, letting him explore your mouth. 

The amount of oxygen reaching your lungs was nearing zero, which made you pull away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. Xingqiu smiled smugly at you, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand and placing a kiss on your forehead. 

"I love you so much, my flower." He whispered against your skin.  

"I love you too Xingqiu." 



ANYWAYS sorry this is vry short, writing that scene was the limit for me, i literally cannot, but as you all can see, this is further proof of my love for clichès 

also ofc daily cyno pic if you haven't gazed at his face today yet

idk if i put this here already buttt i don't really care because cyno is yes

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idk if i put this here already buttt i don't really care because cyno is yes

ALSO i don't know who to write next so if y'all want any specific character lmk in the comments on this chapter plz okay goodbye :P

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