chongyun ; positive night's rest

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"BRO YOU CAN'T JUST DO THIS EVERY TIME WE GO OUT TO EAT!" Xingqiu merely just awkwardly smiled at you, waving his hand up and down at you to try and get you to calm down. 

"I WAS GONNA HAVE A NICE NIGHT, BUT NO!! XINGQIU DECIDES TO PUT JUEYUN CHILIS IN HIS BEST FRIEND'S FOOD, WHO IS ALSO MY BOYFRIEND! SO GUESS WHO HAS TO BUY A HUNDRED MORE POPSICLES!? ME!" Your screams were resonant throughout Liyue Harbor as you trudged home, Chongyun's arms flapping around over your shoulders due to his unconscious state. 

"Ah, yes yes, well (Y/N), while this has been a rather enjoyable endeavor, I must bid you farewell. Good luck!" 


"(Y/NNN)..." Chongyun was starting to awaken, shifting around on your back. You flipped off Xingqiu, who just waved and smiled back before heading inside the Feiyun Commerce Guild. 

"Chongyun, you feeling alright?" You asked in a gentle tone. It was almost a completely different persona, though when one has to put up with Xingqiu's antics every time you guys went out to eat, it would make sense. 

"What...happened?" He asked, still not fully aware of his surroundings. 

"Ah, well when we went to Wanmin Restaurant, Xingqiu might have slipped some chilis in your food...sorry, I was sitting right next to him to make sure he didn't do anything, but I didn't notice..." Chongyun groaned, and you could feel his face buried in your shoulder. 


"About what?" Chongyun heaved out a sigh at your question, getting off your back and instead lacing his fingers with yours, heading towards the direction of your house. Your parent(s) didn't come home too often due to their jobs, so it was the perfect place to cool off. 

His hands were warmer than usual; still a little cold, but you guessed that it was due to him just waking up. 

"This happens every time, but you always...take care of me." His cheeks and the tips of his ears turned pink and he looked away, making you giggle at his bashfulness. 

"I don't mind, you're quite cute this way!" Chongyun looked at you with wide eyes, and his face started to glow red as he stopped walking. Before anything could happen, you shoved a popsicle in his mouth, and after a moment or two, he started to return to normal, so you let go of his hand and kept walking home. The sooner the better, since you wanted to go to sleep. 

He popped the popsicle out of his mouth, catching up to you as you kept walking. His hand grabbed yours again, lacing your fingers together again with his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Why'd you let go..." 

"Mm, sorry, just tired..." Almost on cue, you yawned, shivering a little bit from the chill of the night. Chongyun slipped your intertwined hands into his pocket, and started to walk a little faster, wanting to get back quickly so that you could sleep. He still felt bad about losing control again, so he at least wanted you to get a decent night's rest before tomorrow.

It wasn't that far away, so the two of you made it within no time. It was a quick process to get ready for bed, but when you got in bed, you realized Chongyun was hesitating. 

"Chongyun? Is something wrong?" He looked to the side nervously, and you just smiled. It was easy to read what he was feeling sometimes, especially on nights when his congenital positivity got the most of him. 

"Hey, it's fine, I don't mind. What I do mind is Xingqiu, when I see him next, I will wring his neck so much that he won't even have a neck! He will never see the light-" You were interrupted by Chongyun, who gave a light kiss on your forehead before climbing in bed and pulling you to his chest. (read first part of a/n bc I want to explain why I think chongyun can cuddle people >:) )

"Let's just get some sleep, and we can plan Xingqiu's demise tomorrow." You leaned your head up, lips parting slightly as you connected your lips with his cold ones in a soft kiss. 

After a few moments you pulled away, noticing the slight flush to his face. 

"Chongyun, we've been dating for over a year, and you still blush when-"

"Go to sleep."



so if he get's too warmed up or perhaps eats something spicy, it triggers his positivity right? but if he was the cuddle with somebody perhaps in a cold room, it would be fine, since he's cold and the room is cold, and the only warm thing is the person he's cuddling, I mean, unless they're cold too ig b

or maybe I'm just trying to make something up because this boy is probably touch starved IDK OKAY

anyways I'm writing a cyno oneshot to see how it goes, idk if im gonna post it though OH I just remembered the other day I tried to write a lemon and THE AMOUNT OF RED MY FACE GOT WAS ASTOUNDING i have never seen myself blush EVER EVER and especially not that red because my skin tone is like light brown cause yknow...hehe...half indian but YALL I SWEAR IF MY AUNT KNEW I WAS WRITING THESE SHE WOULD PROBABLY LOSE HER FUCKING SHIT LMFAO YALL BETTER NOT SNITCH ON ME

as always if I accidentally skipped a word or something doesn't make sense, just comment! okay stay gorgeous babes :P

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