scaramouche ; tired

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haha chongyun angst go brrr-

also for my homie heli on the discord 😩




The scratching sound of your pen against parchment was the only sound that could be heard in the dead of the night, hastily scribbling away as your eyes scanned over the documents. The words were starting to blur together, but you just blinked and sighed, continuing to look over everything. 

Paperwork was a lengthy process, and especially with the Fatui, who for some reason have an ungodly amount of paperwork. For a group that is so hellish and uncooperative, the amount of just paperwork was absolutely ridiculous. 

The sound of your door creaking alerted you, but you relaxed when you noticed the figure walking in. 

"Working this late..." Scaramouche muttered, closing the door behind him. He discarded his hat, carefully setting it down on a nearby table before walking over to you, picking up some of the papers and sifting through them. 

"This is all bullshit, just leave it." He tossed the papers back on the desk, and you sighed at him, taking the papers back and resuming your work. 

"Hey, didn't I say to leave it? It's late, so just go to bed." You hummed, not really paying attention to his words. Did you want to leave the work? Absolutely. Would your ass get beat for it? Absolutely. 

"You're such a nuisance sometimes, you know that?" You nodded absentmindedly, flipping over the document and stamping it, reaching for the next one. 

Your fingers barely brushed against the paper before you felt a gentle yet firm hold around your wrist, keeping you from moving on with the work. You huffed, trying to move your wrist, but he kept his grip on you. 

"Scaramouche, I'd rather not get my ass beat so just go to bed and I'll be there soon-" The warm feeling of his lips against yours cut off your words, and you could feel his other hand at the back of your head, pushing you closer to him. You pulled away after a few moments, and he smirked at you as you sent a small glare his way. 

"Stop distracting me, I really need to get this done." The smirk on his face was wiped off and replaced with a disapproving look. 

"You do realize it's 4 in the morning, right? Actually, don't answer that, let's go." The hand on your wrist pulled you up from your chair, making you stumble a bit.

"Hey! I need to-" 

"Shhh..." He kneeled down, and for a moment you were confused, until-

"W-WOAH, PUT ME DOWN!" He wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you from falling before leaving your office, making his way towards your shared bedroom. 

"H-Hey, is this really necessary!? You don't need to carry me like a sack of potatoes." He clicked his tongue at your words, opening the door and tossing you on the bed before shutting it. 

A sigh slipped through your lips. You weren't really escaping now, so you climbed under the covers as a sudden wave of fatigue washed over you. 

His arm circled around your waist, pulling you into his chest as his face was buried in the crook of your neck. You could barely stay awake, hanging on by just a thread.

"I forgot how much you liked cuddling Scara." And yet, you were still conscious enough to tease him. 

"Shut up and go to sleep idiot." You hummed, your heavy eyelids finally closing after the long day of work. 

"Love you..." 


lol I made this during school but this is for the homies in the discord which YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY JOIN HAHA WE HAVE A KLEE BOT

and yes

also I ate an entire jar of marshmallow fluff so that cool ig

also going out for the first time in 7 months on Saturday yaay outside I haven't been outside in forever 

uhh YEAH anyways stay gorgeous mwah<33

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