valentine's special ; chongyun

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"X-Xiangling! I don't think I can do this so just take it back and pretend like it never happened okay are we simpatico-" 

"(Y/N)!" You gulped, feeling a shiver run down your spine at the scary look on your friend's face. She shoved the box of chocolate back in your hands, and her hands clamped around your shoulders as a flame lit in her eyes. 


"Are you really going to bail out now after I closed up the restaurant early last night to help you make these?" You shook your head, a little bit terrified at how she was acting. 

She suddenly went back to normal, giving you a thumbs-up. 

"That's what I thought! I knew you wouldn't do that to me! Now, just be brave (Y/N)! You got this!" Your gaze was pinned on the ground as you nodded, walking off to halfheartedly try and find Chongyun. 

Somebody please help end me...

You could almost feel the rejection from the near future, and you cringed at the thought. It was a rather cloudy day, so there was no telling where you would be able to find Chongyun, but maybe that was a good thing. 

Your footsteps stopped as you took a moment to look at the box in your hands. Xiangling had insisted that she helped you make the chocolates, but you caught her at multiple points trying to put some Jueyun Chilis in them...hopefully, you had gotten them all out...

The box was decent enough; just a simple light blue with a dark blue ribbon, but you couldn't help but think about how you could make it better. 

"Oh? Is that (Y/N)?" You glanced in front of you to see Xingqiu, along with-

Oh my Archons...

You quickly hid the box behind your back, laughing nervously as you cursed yourself for being so obvious. You just hoped that neither of them noticed. 

"Oh, you know, I think I just heard Xiangling calling me, so farewell my friends, I shall see you tomorrow." Xingqiu shot you a mischievous look as he walked away, and you swore an oath to end them both once you were done with this. 

"So, uh, Chongyun, how's the exorcism going...?"


"The usual, just never finding a ghost because it was already exorcised when I walked in...nothing new..." 




This is awkward...

All of a sudden, you could feel a burning rage, and you almost passed out when you saw Xiangling and Xingqiu sitting behind a bush, although it seemed like Xiangling was about to burn their cover with her anger towards you. Xingqiu just gave an innocent smile and a thumbs-up, along with a small wave. 


"sO, CHongyun! This is for you-" You shoved the chocolate box in his arms, nervously taking his hands and wrapping them around the box. "-and just to say happyvalentine'sdayandireallylikeyoupleasedon'thateme okay bye!" Without really thinking about it, you tiptoed up and gave him a peck on his cheek before sprinting away, your hands covering your cheeks. 

I did it! I did it I did it I did it I did it! Okay! Yes!

"Huh?" The slightly grey clouds from moments ago suddenly turned into dark and stormy clouds, and you could feel the droplets of water starting to come down, although it was soon to be a downpour. 

"Shoot..." Your home was outside of Liyue Harbor, so you didn't exactly have anywhere to take cover from the rain that was about to pour. 

So, despite a potential murder, you decided to book it to Wanmin Restaurant. 

"Xiangling! I hope you don't mind, but it looks like it's about to pour, and also please don't" Your words trailed off as you walked in on a scene that was a little bit concerning. 

Xiangling and Xingqiu were sitting at a table with Chongyun, who was passed out on the floor beside them. They both just waved, as if there wasn't an unconscious person lying next to them. 

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you came! Would you like some tea-"

"So we're just going to ignore the fact that Chongyun is passed out? What happened?" You asked, sighing as you looked at both of their faces. 

"Well, you happened." Xingqiu responded. 

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Xingqiu sighed at you, a disappointed look on his face. 

"And here I thought we taught you better. Poor Chongyun was so flustered from your confession that he passed out on the spot." 

...he was flustered?

Your cheeks heated up, tinting your (s/c) a rosy shade of pink. You had thought that the boy would simply brush it off and think nothing of it, but if he was flustered, then that meant something, right? 


"Here, I'll wake him up for you." Xingqiu smiled and sauntered into the kitchen, humming a tune as he took a bucket and filled it up with ice and water. As he came back out, he motioned for you to move aside and made his way over to Chongyun. 

"Chongyunnn, it's time to wake up!" The water was chucked onto Chongyun, dousing him from head to toe. 

Well, you certainly were not expecting that. 

Your mouth was stuck in a wide-open position as you watched Chongyun wake up. 

"Huh? What happened...?" He groggily said. His eyebrows were furrowed as he glanced around, understandably a bit lost on what had happened. Xingqiu pulled Chongyun up onto his feet and whispered something in his ear. His eyes glanced over at you as a slight flush filled his cheeks, and you immediately panicked. 

"I-I NEED TO GO BYE!" You stumbled a bit as you tried to sprint over to the entrance, but you ended up slipping on the water that was still on the floor, which sent you falling backward.

A pair of hands firmly grasped onto your shoulders, halting your fall. You slowly opened your eyes, wondering why you hadn't hit the ground yet. 

"Um, a-are you alright?" Chongyun whispered, looking to the side as he tried to keep himself calm. 

"...yeah..." Although you wanted to, you couldn't move; Chongyun had caught you from falling? And why was he blushing like that?

"(Y/N), um, I-I like you too..." 


Before you knew it, his cold lips had touched to your cheek, giving you a small peck before looking away with a flush. 

"Um, Happy Valentine's Day..."



had to delete those comments because they made me sad 😩


not boutta send hate to someone but goDDAMN IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T FUCKIN READ IT GOOD GOD

anyways guys you should friend me I play on US servers and my uid is 602384151 !! my name is hana and my signature is cyno supremacy <33 oh and my avatar is qiqi hbkjhbkjh 

also I'm reviving my oneshot book for toilet bound hanako-kun so if that's something you're interested in then you should like,,,check it out 😙

okay stay gorgeous babes ilysm <3

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