albedo ; clingy

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request for @JisungggHan !!

[clingy albedo mwehehe]




"Albedo...? Albedo! You're back!" You launched yourself at him, burying your face in the crook of his neck, smiling as his laughter reverberated throughout his chest. 

"Yes, indeed I am. How've you been?" He asked, pulling you away from him to give a soft kiss to your forehead. 

"I've been alright, just doing a lot of commissions and ignoring Sister Rosaria, y'know, the usual." Amusement could be seen on his features as he listened to you, a small smile resting on his lips. 

"Oh my...what's she saying this time?"

"That I trust people too easily and that I take too much work, nothing out of the ordinary. How was your experimenting in Dragonspine? I heard from Sucrose that quite a bit happened." Albedo sighed as he recalled the series of unfortunate events that had occurred throughout his time in Dragonspine. 

"It's quite a long story. How about we head home and-"

"(Y/N)!" Albedo was interrupted by a voice calling out for you, and much to his disappointment, you wiggled yourself out of his embrace to greet the person. 

"Ah, Jack! And Pallad! What a pleasure...haha..." You said, sweatdropping at them. 

"Me and my bud Jack have some commissions to do, and we wanted to ask you to help us!" Pallad said. 

"Oh, well, I'm afraid I have to decline, since-"

"Remember that time I covered for you in front of Cyrus? Don't you owe me one from them?" Pallad said, a smug smirk covering his face. 

You internally groaned; you could already feel a headache coming on and you haven't even left yet. 

"Ah...right...well then, I suppose we should get going then. You guys go without me, I'll catch up in a moment." You sighed, putting a hand to your head as Pallad set off with Jack, not even taking the time to notice he didn't have his pack. 

You turned to Albedo, who had a mildly displeased look on his face as his eyes narrowed at Pallad. 

"Sorry Albedo...I'll finish this up then we can head home, alright?" You said, looking at him with a sorry look in your eyes. 

"Yes, that's fine, I'll be here when you get back. I suppose I will take a look at what Timaeus has been up to." You smiled at him, giving him a small peck on the cheek as you started to catch up with Jack and Pallad. 

"What an annoyance..."


The commissions had been a pain, to say the least. Pallad even forgot to bring a weapon, and though Jack was a bright adventurer, it would seem that he wasn't a big help. 

Returning to Monstadt, you lightly smiled at the thought of spending time with Albedo. 

And yet, time after time, more and more people decided to call in favors, and each time, Albedo sighed, getting more annoyed each time. 

It was nighttime by the time you had finished everything. You sighed, praying to Barbatos that you would be able to go home now. 


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