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You got baby

You got that good stuff

Good love

Put it on me can't get enough

Yep, that's my girlfriend

All mine, all mines

Shawty with me all the time

Stay hot stay fly

Keep her right by my side

Yep, that's my girlfriend

- Bow wow/ Omarion

With Beast everything felt so right. He had me thinking about doing things i never done before. I wanted him in everyway, and to never lose him.

So i finally grew balls and told my mom we were dating.

" You said you were only friends. So you lied to me!? For him!? "

" No! We were-"

" He is only using you! He wants only one thang from you! He already changing you for the worst. Got you lying to me and sneaking behind my back! We was tighter then this! And i refuse to let you throw your life away on some no good wanna be thug! You are never seeing him again " She yelled at me.

I was crying. Why, did she have to be like this!? So hard on me!

" I love him! I can make my own choices! You cant control my life forever! I love Beast and we will be together! " I tell her

" No you want. I will do everything to make sure that doesn't happen. If that means packing up your bags and sending you to a new school with your dad. You might not like my choices but i did it for you! "

" I HATE YOU!! " I scream and ran upstairs and slammed my door. I layed on my bed and cried.

Why did she have to try and ruin my life becuase she didn't have anybody and was lonely.

I was going to be with Beast no matter what. If that ment going against my mom, then so be it. Me and him where made for eachother and no one was going to stand in my way of happily ever after.

I let the hot tears run down my face as i stared at the ceiling. She bust in and snatched my phone.

" What are you doing!? I swear i wish i wasn't your daughter! I hate you! I really do! " I scream crying

" Thats fine. If you don't hate me sometime in your life im not doing my job right as a parent. You will get over it and thank me later. " And on that she walked out.

I screamed at the top of my lungs until my throat hurt. And cried. Cried until i couldnt cry no more and had fell asleep.

I woke up to get ready for school.

" Where do you think your going? " she stop me at the door.

" School. Where else " I say

" No. He's there. I told you if this is what i have to do to keep your future in line i will do it " She close the doors.

I scream and ran upstairs. Why, Why, Why!!!??

3 days i been locked up in here with no way to the outside world. Not even Ray. And my dad has called and thinks mom is over reacting some too but can't do anything about it.





I haven't seen my girlfriend in forever. 3 months of dating then she just disappear on me. What type of shit is that?

" Have you talked to Beauty yet? " I ask Ray

" Nope i've texted her and called but no answer and im getting scared now. "

" I know. Me too. But im going over there today..."

I knocked on Beauty door and her mom opens, shit.

" Can i help you? " She say

" Yeah. Umm, I been trying to get intouch with Beauty and make sure she is ok "

" My daughter is just fine. You dont worry about her. She's not your girlfriend. Friend. Anything. The last thing im going to do is let some little wanna be gangsta ruin her life. Beauty got big things coming her way and your holding her back. Stay away. She's moving off! "

Why did she have to be such a bitch!? I loved Beauty and was not letting anyone stand in our way and keep us apart. But she just crushed me.

" Be-! " I see Beauty running down stairs and her mom slam the door. I hear them fussing and yelling. I just stood there shocked and hurt!

Was i holding her back and ruining her life? I wanted to push her forward. Not make her fall.

" Go away for i call the police! " Her mom says through the closed door.

I to school the next day and Ray came up to me.

" I am so sorry " She go. I was just sitting by myself.

" What? " I ask.

" Beauty is switching schools and going to live with her dad. " She tell me. I just shook my head.

Every time i start to love somebody. Something. It always gets ripped away from me and i lose it. This is why im the way i am now.!

" When she leaving? " I finally ask.

" Tommrow " She says.

Even with the motion detector lights on Beauty house i manage to sneak past them and up the tree next to her window.

I didn't see her mom so i knocked. she was sitting on the bed writting in her journal. She ran to the window seeing me.

" Open it" I say.

" I can't. The alarm! " She says.

" I miss you. " I tell her. She was crying

" I don't want to leave you " She cry

" I love you. Then come with me. Me and you. I can take care of you " I tell her.

" Lets run away together! " We was really about to do this.

" One bag. Your most important stuff. One chance, you get your stuff and i open the window and were out before she comes " She nod and raced to fill one bag up.

I seen her put the journal in and fill it with clothes and shit and came back and open the window i jump down.

" Jump! " She did and i caught her and we ran to my car parked at the end of the corner.

" I love you too " She tells me. I kissed her lips

I layed her back on the bed and kissed every inch of her soft perfect body. Head to toe.

" Im scared, Beast " She wispers as i undress her and kiss her.

" Don't be. I love you. You love me. We were made to be together. "

I made slow sweet love to her. Aint nothing like the first time. And this was her first time ever. The blood proved that.

" I love you " i wispered as we layed in each other arms

" I love you too. I wish we could just run off and get married and be together forever " She says

" If you want we can. We can do whatever you want. If thats it. I will do it " I tell her foreal.

She looked at me. " Seriously?! You want to? "

" I want to be where ever you are. Beauty and Beast forever. Tommrow morning we will leave for Vegas. " I say. She kissed me and i held her tighter. We were really about to do this.

By the end of the week she will be Mrs. Kemontre " Beast " White. And we will be together.

Til death do us part!

( Like??? Plz comment , vote , and fan. Im trying my best and dont forget to read my other stories and check for this update. You dont want to miss it. Its sure to be more drama and alot juicer! :) Thank you all for reading )

- Shantii

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now