Please Don't go

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Beauty ***

I nervously played with the straw in my drink. Don't get me wrong I didn't want to leave my baby. I wanted to stay by his side. All in all he was like my best friend. My husband. My super hero always there to save me and the day. He was my sunshine on a stormy day. I wanted him by my side. I also wanted to be safe. To not have to watch over my back and have to run. A father is supposed to protect his daughter and family. Be there for them. And right now I needed my father more then ever. I wanted to be his little girl.

I know that ment leaving my friends for a little while. But I had to do what I had to do. I'm soory for who gets hurt. " I want to go stay with my dady " I repeat. He sighed and then looked at me.

" Why now? I can protect you! I can look out for you! " He says.

" I know that. But sometimes a girl just needs her father. I'm tired of putting everybody out of there way to protect me. I'm tired of watching my back " I say. He whiped the tear that fell from my eyes. " You're giving them what they want right now, Bea " He tells me in a serious tone.

" What is that? "

" Us broke up. You giving them the satisfaction of seeing us unhappy and not together. They knew what they were doing. They wanted this. And your giving it right to them don't you know that? " He says. I looked at him. He was right

I was going to give them the satisfaction of seeing my baby and I all sad and apart. I didn't want that or to leave him.

" How about we finish the short amout of time until school is out then me and you move to where and start really living like a married couple " He says with a smile. I nod in agreement and smile. " That means sex when we want with nobody to mess up the mood " He says with a naughty grin. I laugh and punch his chest playfully.

" Stop being such a pig Kemon " I tell him seriously. He always knows how to make me blush and smile. When I'm in the worst mood he is one of the very few people that can make smile. Him and Raynna. Then Marco.

" So what you saying bae, you don't want to bump and grind with me inder our own roof? WTF !! " He says and we both laughed.

" When you say ' bump and grind ' it makes me think of my dad and him giving me the sex talk. You sound so old " I tell him. He smiled showing the sexy dimple in his left cheeky. Boy my baby got it going on with his sexy self. He looked at me.

" I dooonnt seee nothing wrong with a littleeee bump and grindinnn! ! " He starts singing to me and I fell out laughing. His facial expression was so serious and he prolly thought he sound like a real singer. In reality he sounded like shit!

" Don't ever...Evvveeer....Eevvveeer do that again, Beast! " I tell him so serious. He pretnd to be hurt.

" You not feelin a brother singing? Cause I got some ofther stuff I can do for you, baee " He says to me. I laugh.

" Anything but singing is fine. " I tell him. When ever I'm with him he makes me have a good time and forget everything and everybody else. I forgot where we was and why. It felt like only me and him in here and that's how it should be. Crazy how my best guy friend became my boyfriend but I LOVE every minute of it for sure.

" Ok I wrote you a poem Beautiful " He says. I laughed and covered my face. This was going to be a sight to remember. He sat up straight and took a deep breath and got ready like he was actually about to say some masterpeice he wrote and came up with. Other girls would probablly bee like that's so cute you're boyfriend is about to tell you a romantic poem about you. -__- I know my Beast. And this is going to be some crazy poem he came up with in that cray cray mind of his.

" Beauty.



I love you so.

You are so sexy.

I love when you say " Kemontre penatrate me " "

And he started to snap for his own prev poem. I was in fits a laughter. This guy right here gosh!

" Baby did you like it? " He ask.

" It bearly rhymed. It was preverted also " I reply.

" But it came from the heart and that's all that matters. Halmark should hire me, huh? I'm too gifted " He says shaking his head.

" Yeah you're real special " I agree. He leaned over and kissed me.

" I love ya girl " He says.

" Love you crazy " I say.

" All that's left to do. Graduate. Move into our own place. And drop a few babies here. ALLRRIIGGHHT ALRIGHT ALLLLLRIIIIIGHT! " He go patting my stomach. Whoa what!??

He is so special!

" Babies? "


( sorry for the late update my app it b's me right now and I have no clue what's up. Stupid androids >_


Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now