A*S whooping

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She was scared. She was scared and hurt. I was supposed to protect her. NO FUCK THAT HER MOM WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER! THE FUCKING EVIL ASS LADY THAT GAVE HER LIFE WAS SUPPOSED TO WATCH OVER AND PROTECT HER! why bring a child into the world if you were going to be a shitty ass parent.

That was fucked up and I couldn't calm myself down. I was pissed at this point. She was sleeping downstairs in my bed. This nigga deff wasn't getting away with this shit. Nobody fucks with my girl- fuck that my wife! And get away with that shit.

I grabbed my keys and went back to her mama house. I knocked. No answer. But I knew somebody was here.

Oh this shit wasn't going unpunished! Believe that. I'm a trill ass nigga and he go pay for this shit.

On gee






I woke up the next morning and called Ray.

" Girl, Beast was looking every where for you. What happen? Are you ok? Do I need to get my switch blade and cut a bitch? Or we need the big guns? Cause I'll call my brother Gee and we can have him and his boys make house trips!! " This girl is insane.

" Ray listen! " I say. She shut up and gave me her attention and I ran down the whole scary story from start to finish to my bestfriend holding back my tears.

" Oh my gosh. Im sooo sorry! Im glade you ok " She says. " And hold the fuck up? He tried to hurt you! See, you my bitch and now I got to fuck somebody up! Where the hell is my switch blade at? * Hears her searching around her junky ass room in the background* and im putting on my stomp a nigga face in Polo boots! and hold the fuck up! I know Lil KeKe left some brass knuckles over here! We bouta tenderize his ass!! Shit, I got a extra switch blade and some pepper spray because his ass sounds fast. Old bitch! Where the fuck is my all black criminal suit at!?? I ain't in the mood im bouta kill a motherfucker! * You hear her crazy ass searching for potential murder weapons * You got yo murder shit? " She ask.

And I bust out laughing. That was my bitch right there. she cheered me up no matter what. I loved this girl to the moon and back! We argued and fight but that girl was a true ride or die for me!

" Shit you laughing! Girl im dead ass! I got my boots on and all black on the bed...you think we need a ski-mask?? Nah...we want his pedo ass to know we mean business and don't fuck with you...You think we should slap yo mama around some to?? That lonely bitch left you with a stranger! ....Thats yo mama forgive me, boo. Im upset " She says.

" Her ass need to be slapped around to. she need the shit beat out of her. Ain't my mama no more. Fuck her and him. I can't wait for my daddy to hear about this one. He going to kill them both " I say for real. I love my dad.

" If Beast ain't already did it " She says.

Then it clicked to me. I thought he was upstairs but I don't hear him. I hear the kids. If he was here he would have surely told them to be quiter.

Where the hell is my husband?

I just hope he not out getting himself into trouble..over me. I have my father to handle that...and my crazy ass bestfriend ghetto ass hoodlum brothers who don't mind letting the nina shout and cutting a few motherfuckers.

" Thinking of Beast. I just hope he didn't go back there. My mom will fuck with him if he steps foot in that house without me " I sigh. Where the hell is he!?? I was about to say let me call his cell but i look over and it's right there on the nightstand.

I knew he was up to something and ready to cause hell. I just hope he ain't get himself locked up or hurt trying to protect me.

" Girl, Beast a thug! He better bust a cap in his ass...and maybe yo mama's...not kill her just like shot her in the kneee cap or the foot " She so fucking stupid I swear! " I remember when my brother shot himself in the foot. It hurted like hell and he couldn't walk for a long time. Plus now he got a nasty scar and remember not to have a loaded gun out playing. Smh, yo mama need a lesson " I told you her brothers ghetto!! All of them nigga's.

" Rayanna! Enough of yo stories what am I go do? I got a bad feeling about this right now? " I say for real.

" A bad feeling about what? My criminal gear? You don't like my black skinny jeans!? I can look cute and dangerous! " She says.

" Im a choke the Mexican out yo ass! I don't care about yo " ima be in jail in 5 years " Outfit! Im worried about my baby! " I say.

" You pregnant! OhMyGod! " Ima slap her.

" Bitch NO you dumbass! My husband! " I say.

" Oh.Ok...he's going to be fine. He probably just went to get yo stuff or the store for his siblings. Don't trip, girl " She says. I tried to believe what she said.

I couldn't fully.

" Ayy, Beauty when we pull up to kill him this go playing in our get a away car " She turned up Lil Boosie " Set It Off " And I almost died of laughter. This bitch got issues.

" You wanna talk shit?

You wanna run yo mouth?

You want some gangsta's front yo mothafuckin' house?


( set this bitch off!)

They call me badass! And i'll punish you!... "

This fucking girl always knew how to make me feel better. I was started to feel a little brighter then before.






I been hiding at the end of this fucking street all night. I know my wife probably woke up and am wondering where I am. I left my phone to keep her from distracting me and calling.

She needed revenge and I needed to show people I wasn't no bitch and wasn't nobody going to fuck with my baby.

I hate a pedo ass nigga, bruh!!! I got to many females around me and in my family to put up with that shit! It's fucking nasty. But I was going to show him how grimmey I can be. It's a reson they call me " Beast " I ain't knew to these streets.

As soon as his ragedy ass car came around this corner I pulled out my " Issue ." I gave it that name. The sun wasn't even up yet and here he was. Shit, God wasn't up yet at this hour. But here I was.

He turned the corner and I shot one right through the windshield at his fucking showdow trying to hit him. I believe I did. He lost control of the car and I put one right through the tire making the car spin. I was already speeding off away before anyone could come outside.

" BAM! " But in my reveiw mirror I seen his car hit the pole. I smiled and took a drag from the blunt.

I slowed down and blended in with the other cars not causing a scene.

Haha, They thought it was over. Not even. I got something for her mom.

Whats worse then physical abuse?


I can't touch her. But I can fuck with her state of mind and scare the shit out of her naive ass!

Just wait.



sorry for any mistakes.

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now