Im out

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This nigga gave me a strange feeling and I wasn't go be raped or hurt in my own house.

" Come stay with me "

" No! Its too much " I say. Me and Beast was on the phone talking about it.

" It's good. I talked to my moms about it and she said its something about him she don't feel and you can stay here. Plus soon we will be in our own place and graduating. Please? I would blame myself if I let something happen to you and didn't do anything. " He says. I sighed

" here in 30. Im going to pack my bags..I love you, beast " I tell him.

" I love you too " and we hung up. I went into my closet ready to get the fuck out of here.

" I need to go by my job...don't ruin my company " My mom bust in my room. " Get Out!! " I yell pissed off.

" Don't raise you're voice at me in my house, Beauty! " She says. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my duffy bag. This shit with her was starting to really get on my nerves. " where the hell do you think you're going? "

" Im walking to the bus then going to my dads. I fucking hate you and this house " i say lying. If she knew beast was coming she would hold me up in here. Tied and chained if it was up to her and she had the chance.

She slammed my door and walked out. Not long after I heard the dooor slam again. And I knew she was gone. Figuring I was here alone I quickly got as much shit into the bag as I could before...about 15 mintutes later my door flew open and it was him...

" What!? " I asked annoyed.

" Who do You think you are talking to like that? Yo mama might let you get away with that...but im a go show you what happen to last little fast ass girl that tried that shit " he says walking closer. I picked up the closest thing to me.

" Do NOT fucking touch me! Get the fuck back! Now and im not playing " I yell. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it. I winced in pain. " shut the fuck up, bitch " I fell on the floor and hit my head. He stook over me with a evil grin on his face...

Oh god...please don't do this.

I did all i could do..I kicked his ass in the balls tripped him and got up and ran out the house with him right behind me...It was darking and storming raining and I was running as fast as I could to get away from him! But he was gaining on me. And the rain was making it slippery.








" Beast you going to get Beuty now? I want to show my new sister something " My sister says. I smiled at her.

" Yeah im a go now..i'll be right back ok? Keep this door locked! " I ordered to them. It was a very short drive to Beautiful's house and I was going to come right back here. " Shit " I hiss shading my eyes from the rain. I got in my car and drove that way.


When I pulled up to her house the door was wide open. I had a feeling shit wasn't right. I grabbed my heat and got out the car and walked into the house. Was like nobody was here.

" Beauty!? " I call and headed up the stairs when i got no answer. I got into her room and nothing. Clothes where thrown every where and her phone was on the floor under the table next to her bed..What the hell happen and where the hell was she?? And everybody else.

I checked the house once again then went back outside. " Beauty!? " I call.

I got in my car was about to circle the block...What the fuck man!?

I just had a bad feeling about this one


-- Shantii

peace my pepssss

sorry for any mistakes :)

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now