graduation and prom..this is it !!

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-- 4 weeks Later -r

Beast ***

" Babe where are my shoes ? I cant look ridiculous. Oh my god ! " Beauty was freaking out right now.

We just got our own apartment as a grad gift to our self. today was graduation. High school is finally over. I hate to see it go but im happy this bitch is over. Beauty got accepted to TU. Tulsa University. Which is 15 minutes from our apartment so she was living at home. Im not going to college right now. That pissed Beauty off but I promised next fall I would start looking at Community colleges for welding to see what I can find and if I like anything.

" babe, your shoes are right here " I hold them up.

" Thank you " She takes her sparkly 6 inch heels.

She had on an black and silver mini dress with a long tail and short bottom. Her hair was in big curls around her face and she slide on her sparkly heels.

I wore some Dark Levi's and My greyishsilveris button down dress shirt. I had on some Loafers and I got my hair cut. Me and my wife looked fly.

" You ready ? " I ask.

" More then i'll every be " She smiles. I took her out the house and we went to our new car a dodge challenger. We was doing good for ourselfs. I open her door and she got in. I was nervous no lie the whole drive to the building. It was a short 15 minute drive for us.

We Walked into the building.

" Oh my god this is it! We finally grown we done with high school " Marco and ray came up.

" This is it. Were young were making the most out of this right here " I tell them.

" Man just think. In just a few hours we will be at our senior prom with the baddest females in our school. And in just two weeks we will be on vacation in California with them same females. Our lives are smashing! " He puts his arm around me and leads me off. I laugh as I watch everybody hurry about.

" We are on top of the world right now " I agree.

" Know what makes it better ? " He ask.

" What ? " What could be better then this.

" No police after us. No evidence. No suspects. No lock up. We are free men. God is good " We both laughed. The day the police were at my house was to check up on me. It was my old parole officer from when I went to juvie. Crazy shit huh ?

" True that. Ay lets go get the girls. Its time for line up and camp and gowns " I say. We got the girls and we had to separate.

" I love you! Im a scream for you " I tell beauty as she goes off.

" Love you too. You better let me hear you " I laugh and made my way to my seat.


" MARCO DAVIS " I jump awoke as Marco name was called. We cheered for him.

-- 20 minutes later -

" Rayanna Moya " Ray

" RAY II LOOOOVEEEE YOU! " I could hear my wife from here -___-

Ray struted across the stage and her family cheered and yelled.

-- 5 minutes later --

" ERICA BEAUIFUL MENDEZ WHITE " Her long as name lol.

" THATS MY DAUGHTER ! " I HEAR her pops.


" i loove you beauiful! " I yell she laughed as she got her diploma.

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now