Like Old times

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Beast ***

I was sitting out on the porch watching the hood. Im a be happy when Im gone far from here. But right now this the only place for me and that I want to be. These my peoples. We all rocking the same way.

Marco pulled up and got out. He walked over to me and dapped me. " Whats up man? " He ask me.

" Nothing. What you want to talk about? " He ask taking a seat next too me.

" The police and shit came here. Im thinking about going to call and talk to them. They wanted to ask me some questions but im not sure about what " I tell him.

" For real? What you say when they came " He ask me.

" Shit nothing my moms answer the door. She wanted to talk about im going to be like my punk ass daddy dead or in jail and I aint want to hear all of that bullshit. We innocent until they can prove different. Shit I got yo back like you got mines " I say.

" Thats good to know. Damn she brung yo pops into it knowing how much you hate that nigga " He says. I sigh.

" He wrote me. " I tell my closest friend.

" What the fuck he have to say for being a dead beat ass nigga? " This is why I could talk to Marco. He understands some stuff better then Beauty can.

" Ion know or care. I didn't read it " I say with a shrug.

" You should see what the fuck excuse this nigga got now. I would love to hear this one. Some shit like ' I did what best for you beast or The penn wouldn't let me get in touch with you " He says and we both laughed. Hell yeah. He going to have something lame to say.

" Fuck yeah. He always got some sorry ass excuse. Ion even care about it this time " I say.

" You should just read it so we can laugh about it. Then write back on one sheet of paper ' FUCK YOU ' in bold letter and mail that shit to him. " He says and we was cracking up laughing now. This my nigga right here. and thats probably some shit I would do. He would be pissed off and Me and Marco would Laugh about it later.

" Hell yeah! If beauty found out she would cuss my ass out later calling me chilsish and shit " I tell him.

" Where the hell she at anyway? " He ask.

" After that I yelled at her cause she kept trying to talk and I was stressed. I woke up and she was gone. She called me finally yesterday and her ass is down there with her dad " I tell him.

" awww him miss his wife " He tease

" Fuck you. Ion even know when she coming back though " I tell him sighing. I did miss her though.

" Shit, that probably how im about to be once I leave " He says.

" Leave where ? " I ask.

" Im thinking about going off for a while, why this blow over and shit. I cant do jail time " He tells me serious.

" Nah man dont go. Thanks going to make them look at you even more. Just blow it over. We graduate in less then a month. After grad me, you and our girls should vaca somewhere far away. Then think about moving. i got enough money saved up to get my moms and me out the hood. Once I grad im out for good of the game. i cant live like this " I tell him for real. He's going to make people look at even more.

" Ion know. I got alot to think about. I was already packing. Ill let you know what I do find out what im going to do " He tells me. I nod my head.

" Be smart and remember what I told you to do " I tell him. He nod his head agreement. " Ugh man Im ready for Beauty to come back. " I sigh.

" Yep. But ay its been years since we sat on the pourch and chilled like this " He says to me. I laughed it was true. Our boy skip was walking down the street listening to his beats and noding his head rapping out loud sounding a hot ass mess. " Look at this fool. Ion never see his ass no more since they kicked him out of school "

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now