Where To Go Now ?

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Beauty ***

I walked along listening to Keisha cole. I finally figured out where to go and when I realized where it was I was waiting on a bus to take me to my father's. It was far away but still close enough. I needed time for a moment. Just to calm down and clear my head. I'll call my friends later.






I didn't mean to yell at her. I woke up and went upstairs looking for her. The girls were playing Dance Central 3. " Where is Beauty? " I ask.

" I was about to ask you that, Ugly " -___- I swear my little sister be on some other ish. I look straight good bruh on my mama.

" Im not ugly and you haven't seen her ? " I ask. My mother walked in.

" Nope " She says.

" Ma you seen Beauty? "

" She left earlier. Said she needed some air. She isn't back yet? " She ask sitting down watching the kids dance and play. I knew Beauty was kind of mad at me for yelling at her but I was going through alot right now. She didn't deserve it and in order for me to tell her that I got to find her. I just hate how she always runs for her/our problem instead of turning around and facing them..

" Nah. She doesn't have a phone right now either " I say about to go crazy.

" Just give her time. She will be back son " She says. I sigh and sit trying to calm down. She will be back. She always come back. But I had a strange feeling this time...






" Miss wake up, we are here " The bus driver awoke me. My neck hurted like hell and it was dark out now.

" What time is it? " I ask.

" Midnight...You slept the whole ride " He tells me. I nod and grabbed my back pack and exit off the bus after I said thank you and bye. I walked the groundhound station I was thirsty and hungry right now. I found a soda machine. And got a MoutinDew. After that I began waiting. About 20 minutes later I seen a Taxi across the street I ran and got in.

" Where can I take you? " He ask.

I gave my father's adress and he was on his way. I couldn't wait til I got there. Even though my father had another family he still looked out for me. I wouldn't move with him because my mom and life was all back home. But right now I wanted to get away and with no money this was my only chance to get away.

" Here you are " He says. I paid the fare which took all of my money. I got out and walked up to my dads house. One light in the living room was on. I knocked and at first no one answer I knocked again.

" Who is it? " The male voice ask from inside.

" Beauty "

" Who? "

" Erica " I say. Maybe he wasn't reconizing my middle name and I needed to say my first. The door opened up and some guy was standing there.

" Who you looking for? " He ask. He was cute. Light skin fade tattoo's.

" My father Eric " His face drop.

" Eric..is you're father? " He ask.

" Yes. Is he home? " I ask.

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now