Who set me up?

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" Grab ya glocks when you see Tupac

Call the cops when you see Tupac

Who shot me? But ya punks didn't finish

Now you about to feel the raft of a menice

Nigga I hit'em up "

- Tupac

I turn to face the cop standing behind me. " Hold you're hands up " I did as told.

" What the h- " Marco stopped dead in his tracks and was about to run but seen the cop and me. I did not want to go to jail. I didn't have the time. I was graduating highschool in two week and me and my bae was about to start our own thing.

" Put you're hands on you're head " He yells and grabbed me. Marco shot one panick shot through the cops forehead. Oh shit, what the hell did he just do? The police man fell to the ground and I dropped the drugs in my hand and looked at Marco.

" Nigga lets go! " I say. He dropped the gun and took off running beside me. " The gun! " I ran back for it and picked up the drugs I got and took off again. I was panicking. What the hell.

" What the hell!? " I ask him.

" Im sorry man I panicked. I seen my bestfriend about to get fucking arested with 10 thousand dollars worth of Drugs and pills and a unregistered gun. Damn man what the fuck? " He says truely scared.

" Calm the fuck down. Man just go home shit I got to figure out something. " I say opening my car door. Who set me up and callled the cops in the first place?






What the fuck man. I just killed an police officer. Don't judge me. Im panicking it. My Bestfriend was about to get arrested. I couldn't let him go down with all that heat. He was gon' get years. I wasn't thinking it just happen. But we ight. We got out of there and thats all that matters.






Beast Came in and stripped down. He didn't even say Hi or nothing just laid down. I hate when he's all moddy and what not.

" Are you okay? " I ask him.


Does this fool not hear me. " Beast? "


Okay now im really getting mad. What the hells is his problem? He was just fine today. " Beast what the hell is wrong with you? "

" Beauty jjust shut the fuck up and leave me alone! I don't want to be fucking bothered can you just leave me the hell alone! If im not talking! Im not talking. That should tell you to just shut up! " I didn't know how to respond. He just yelled at me for no reason. I didn't even know what I did I was just trying to be a wife and make sure he was okay. But he completely lost it and went off on me. Like what the fuck did I do to you? Im emotionally enstable and he just went off on me for no reason. I felt my eyes watering and I was so pissed off I was about to cry. He has these mood swings with me for no reason.

" What the fuck ever fuck you too ! " I got up and went into the bathroom in his room before he could see me cry. I didn't want to Hear im sorry im so tired of sorry of sorry and sorry people. I whipped my face and sighed. I was so confused. What did I do ?

When I walked back out his punk ass was asleep or pretending to be. I grabbed my bag and put somethings in it. We all got problems but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on anyone who doesn't have shit to do with it or that was trying to help you. I pulled out my phone. I needed to get away from beast.

" Hey, Beauty you okay? " Beast mom was walking in. I gave a weak smile. She wasn't as bad as Beast had made her seem. I loved her to death. My mother in law.

" Yeah..Just going out for a while. What about you? " I ask. She looked at me and for a moment it felt like she was looking through me. Like my mother in the old days which made me wanted to cry even more.

" Im fine..Now what the hell did my hardhead son do to you? " She ask. I sighed.

" Nothing...He's sleep. I just need some air " I say. I was all emotional and wanted to cry so bad. She gave me a hug and sent me on my way. I walked outside and pulled out myhead phones. I needed a break.

when is it my turn to feel sorry for myself ??



Trouble in the hood fairytale :(

Whats up with Beast and Beauty and where the hell is she going?? Whats was Marco thinking ??? Was he wrong to shoot the cop??? Why is Beast being an ass??? Whats going to happen next??

Please voteee fan and comment and let me know what you're thinking. thank you so much for reading.

xoxo Yours Truely,


I just had to update and make some drama. I think I might end this book soon and make a drama filled sequel. I forgot where I was going with this book from when I first started but know I got some ideas on where to go.:) so what do you think?

sorry for any mistakes

Beauty & The Beast: The Hood Fairytale (Finished) also editingWhere stories live. Discover now