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"This entire thing is ridiculous," Cedric announces. The pair of us are walking through the corridor on prefect duty and I had been telling him about Christmas and about the argument afterwards.


"No I mean it. You were ridiculous to agree to it. He was ridiculous to suggest it. The whole thing is ridiculous,"

"Yes well it's a little late for that," I comment.
He sighs, for what feels like the hundredth time that evening before turning to me.

"Think you should get yourself out of your ridiculous situation,"

"You are being very unhelpful today Ced,"

"You asked," he shrugs. He looks at her again, a little pity in his eyes. "I know it's hard, I just think you're making it worse. Unrequited feelings always suck. But fake dating with unrequited feelings in the mix, it's never going to go well is it? All these situations come up that make things feel real,"

"I will be fine. Besides he'll be over the whole thing soon enough," I shrugs casually, ignoring the knowing look in my friends eyes.


I was wrong through, two months pass and still Fred Weasley is seemingly none the wiser to my feelings. If anything it gets worse. He's more touchy, more doting. Not one person questions the legitimacy of the relationship, not ever George.

"There's my girl," a familiar voice calls

"Hey Freddie," I mumble, not bothering to look up from the book in my hands.

"See this George, my own girlfriend doesn't even look at me when I enter a room anymore," He grumbles, dropping onto the sofa next to me, I'm vaguely aware of George collapsing into the arm chair across from us.

"Clearly doesn't want to see how ravishing you look in that new sweater," George smirks

"Yeah yeah, look lovely. Very handsome," again I  doesn't look up as I talk, paying no mind to the boys chatter. Fred is quick to adjust me so I am leaning on his chest and wrap his arms around me and I allow him to move me around to get comfy.

"What's she reading?" George questions, watching with a fond smile as his twin drops his chin onto my shoulder to peer over it. George hated the thought of his best friend and twin brother, I knew that, but had admittedly grown fond of their relationship.

"Muggle romance,"  Fred speaks in a slightly judgemental tone, although it's clear he's only teasing.

"It's literally Jane Austen. One of the most famous authors of all time. Put some respect on her name," I quip, finally looking up from my book and allowing Fred to press a peck to my cheek, in a slightly late greeting.

"Is that a new sweater?" I questions, finally paying my fake boyfriend a little attention

"Freddie, hate to break it to you but I think the compliment earlier was fake,"  George grins

"You should both know better than trying to talk to me while I read," I  remind the boys, eyes moving back towards the open book. Fred is quick to notice and plucks the book from my hands

"I came here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart has and always will be...yours," he reads

"Sounds sappy," George comments

"It's beautiful," I argue, although I begrudgingly allow Fred to place my bookmark in it and drop the book to the table.

"Speaking of sappy-"


"The two of you make me feel sick and therefore I'm leaving," George finished his sentence despite her interruption.

"Georgie, don't leave, I promise I won't even look at Fred," I pout up at the boy, it had been a while since we spent time just the three of us.


"It's okay Emmie, I'm not really leaving cause you've turned Fred to a pile of mush, I have detention," George grins, ruffling his my hair as he leaves and laughing at my loud groan.

My hands move quick to fix the mess he made of my  hair, before turning a little to face Fred in his arms

"You wanna go down to the kitchens. I'm craving a turkey sandwich, we could go for a starlit picnic down - what's wrong?" I cut myself off, the question more important


"You're staring at me,"

"I just never noticed. Your eyes- are so pretty, sorry that was too forward. Yes starlit picnic sounds good," he moves on so casually it's almost like he doesn't realise my heart is hammering inside my chest.

"Fred, yknow no one is listening to us, don't need to compliment me," I shrug. I have to remind myself for the millionth time, this is fake.

"I just really had never noticed. You've got me in a trance love," he smirks, tapping my thigh twice with his pointer and middle finger to signal I should stand up.

I stand and he follows suit, walking close behind me arms draped over my shoulder and resting on his hands on my hips, thumbed tracing small patters into the skin, a bear hug from behind, the predicament is kind of hard to walk in but we had become used to it, he often insists we walk like that, his chin on the top of my head. So we walked all the way to the kitchens in what can only be described as a loving embrace.

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now