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48 hours pass before they next see each other. 

Fred doesn't sleep that night, he returns to his dorm at around 6AM and finds her passed out on George's lap, her makeup has ran down her cheeks, moved by her tears and dried in harsh lines, George is sat with his back against his head board, head lulled over his shoulder clearly having fallen asleep whilst trying to comfort her.

He leaves before she will wake up, not sure how to put everything into words yet, how to make her believe the truth, he did nothing wrong but he knows that she has no reason to believe that. If it were the other way round he wouldn't be able to see past the view of her kissing someone else. 

He looks for her at breakfast the next day, a speech he's been rehearsing all night in his head and shaky hands. It's there though. A spark of hope, because she knows him, so she must know he loves her, know he wouldn't do that. If he could just get a moment with her, just make her listen for a second. He notices Lupin missing from the teacher's table, maybe she was with him.

He sits down opposite George when he can't see her. He knew it wasn't just her who he needed to beg for understanding and the benefit of the doubt.

"Hi," George speaks, a silence falls over the twins, it's awkward and tense and they've never shared a silence like it. 

"Hi, how is she?"

"Fred, you are my brother I don't want to fight with you but I am so mad at you right now. We can't talk about her,"

"I deserve that, I deserve your anger but you have to understand. It is not what it looked like," Fred begins

"You know I don't doubt you for a second, I don't doubt that it's a misunderstanding cause I know you wouldn't do that. I'm mad at everything else. I'm mad you manipulated after I told you she liked you, I'm mad you used her, I'm mad you lied to my face, I'm mad it took someone else wanting her for you to sort your feelings out, "

"She told you?"

"Of course she told me," George scoffs

"I love her George," Fred admits 

"I know," George groans, he was mad yes, but he could never stay mad at Fred at one look at his brother's red eyes and fidgeting hands makes him feel a surge of pity. "You have to fix this because I swear it'll just kill you both,"

"How? How do I get her to hear me out?" Fred begs

"I don't know. Last night she asked me to not be mad at you, said she didn't want to loose us both but she didn't want us to hate each other because of her. We agreed I would be impartial, I won't not be here for you but I won't help you either. I should think most our friends will say the same." George explains gently, Fred nods "Other than Katie. Katie wants to push you off the astronomy tower. I'd avoid Potter for a while too," 

"Right," Fred agrees, "So, everyone knows?"

"Think Marietta might have spread it," George informs, Fred sighs. Standing from his seat, suddenly aware of all the stares.

"Where are you going? You need to eat," George pesters 

"I don't know. I need to speak to her,"

"She's not ready to see you," George attempts to persuade 

"I have to try. Besides, I can't be in here right now, Minnie is glaring at me and everyone's looking and I just can't," 

"Don't go looking for her before she's ready,"  George pushes

"Fine. I wont," Fred lies, walking towards the door, he's stopped when a hand grabs his shoulder, turning around to see Cedric Diggory. 

"If you're going to hit me I'd do it when the entire teaching staff isn't watching," Fred announces

"You deserve it," Cedric speaks, his normally friendly tone cold 

"Yeah, I probably do," 

"I'm not going to hit you Weasley, just, don't waste your day looking for her. She left this morning, she'll be back Tuesday," Cedric informs, before turning to rejoin his friends.


Lily Potter groans at the urgent knocking on her bedroom door. 

"James, shut you husband up," She complains, snuggling closer into her pillow 

"Padfoot fuck off it's 8 AM on a Saturday!" James shouts, groaning when Lily reaches across to slap him, a punishment for his shouting. 

The door is swung open 

"You're not Padfoot," James lets out, seeing a familiar figure but unable to distinguish details, shoving his glasses onto his face as Lily sits up, confused as to who is standing in her bedroom until she lets out a breath, James seeing the same sight now his glasses are on. 

Emily Black, standing in pjs and sniffling back tears. 

"James go downstairs and make two cups of tea, bring them up here. Bring biscuits," Lily demands, shooing her husband from the bed instantly. 

He does as told, squeezing the girl who might as well be his daughters shoulder as he walks past. Lily sends her a sympathetic smile, patting the bed, the girl quick to climb onto the mattress, head resting on Lily's shoulder, the older woman grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"I'm sorry. I just had to leave," 

"It's okay sweetheart, you're always going to be able to come here. Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't want dad to know. He'll flip out and come to school and kill Fred," She admits

"I can keep a secret, can't promise if Fred's done something stupid I won't commit a murder though," Lily smiles gently, "Whatever it is, I think you should tell your dad, he worries about you." 

"You'll listen first though?"

"Of course I will, I'll help you restrain him to his house when he's ready to commit murder and everything," Lily assures. 

"Unless you're helping him carry it out," Emily sniffles the joke out and it makes Lily want to sigh in relief whatever it is she's still cracking jokes, it surely can't be that bad then. 

"Yeah darling, unless I'm a culprit. Come on then, tell me what's going on," Lily prompts. 

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now