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It was proving to be a lot getting used to 'boyfriend Fred'. Having his constant touch and feather light kisses. Having his eyes always seem to find me and his attention solely on me the majority of the time.

"Emily! Come here right now!" Ginny practically demands as she stands a few feet away from me. Hermione just behind her with an exasperated look on her face.

"I'll be right back," I smile gently to Lee and George, pulling out of Fred's arm that had been wrapped around my shoulder and giving his hand a gentle squeeze before dropping it and following Ginny and Hermione to a table in the corner of the room.

"When were you planning on telling us?" She questions, flicking her long hair from her face. Hermione watching the scene play out with a smirk

"Tell you what?" I question, mildly confused by her sudden need to interrogate me

"That you're dating my brother?" She squawks, ignoring the weird looks she receives.

"Oh. That. When it came up I guess," I shrug nonchalantly

"I didn't even know you liked Fred! Why would you like Fred? Look at you and look at him how has he managed to pull you? He's a 6 at best and you're a solid 9," Ginny rants

"What she means to ask is how did this come about?" Hermione questions with a bright grin "also Gin, you are delusional if you ever thought they weren't obsessed with each other," I try to ignore Hermione's comment. It was the same thing George had said and I didn't want to think about how all our friends seemed to think us having liked each other for ages was believable, think we had acted like we had feelings. We. Plural. As in he had them too.

"We were talking in the library and relationships came up, he was in a hissy over Cedric and we admitted to liking each other and now we are kinda seeing each other," I shrug, Hermione beaming at the news and Ginny looking like she's coming round to it

"So you guys are actually a couple?" Ginny asks, her interest clear

"It's very early days," I shrug "this literally all happened like three days ago," I add

"You're better than his recent girls that's for sure," Ginny shrugs

"We are very happy for you Em," Hermione comments

"Thanks guys. It really does means lot," I smile back before standing up and retreating back to the boys.

"You better keep me in the loop, Black!" Ginny calls after me making me laugh lightly.

I drop back onto my seat on the sofa. Fred's arm around my shoulder pulling me closer as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

"What did I miss?" I question with a grin.


"Hi darling," a familiar voice drawls. A pair of arms wrap around me from behind and Fred's face nuzzles gently into my neck.

"Hey," I whisper back. Looking away from the arch I had been staring out of to see the empty corridor "yknow there's no one here, don't have to be all romantic," I note, turning around in his tight grip to face him.

"Just fancied a hug is all," he admits making me grin. I'm quick to lift my arms up and wrap them around his neck hugging him back equally close.

"You alright?" I question, slightly worried by the affection

"Just tired," he shrugs, pressing a kiss to the top of my head gently "are you?"

"Yeah I'm okay,"

"Put in like 20% more effort and I might believe you," he teases

"Just a long day," I sigh. His eyebrows creasing in further confusion. "I'm okay, don't worry," I assure, pressing a kiss to his cheek gently. He doesn't look convinced but decides to drop the subject.

"What are we doing on the bridge?" He questions

"Looking at the view," I shrug

"You know the view you are supposed to be looking at. A transfiguration classroom," he smirks

"You should too," I remind

"Professor McGonnogall sent me to look for you. She was worried when no one knew where you were," he explains

"Anyone else and they'd have just gotten a detention," I laugh

"God daughter perks," he smiles.

"We should probably go," I comment. He nods slightly and allows me to grab his hand and begin to lead him back in the direction of transfiguration.

He stops a few steps from the door, I turn to face him with my eyebrows raised

"What's up Freddie?"

"Are you upset because of a boy?" He looks mildly hurt and put out

"Would make me a pretty shit girlfriend," I shrug

"Em, you're my best friend I can see somethings up. Is it a boy? Is it Cedric?"

"No. No it's no boy and if it were to be a boy it wouldn't be Ced," I assure


"Promise. Why are you so worried about a boy?"

He looks for a second like he's going to say something, a mixture or nerves and an emotion I can't place on his face, before he shakes his head gently.

"I would just hate for you to be upset over a boy. Would have to give the guy hell," he shrugs casually before continuing into the transfiguration classroom.

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now