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"You kissed me!" I scold the moment my dorm room had closed behind us. Well aware we have privacy with the comments our friends made when we fled from the pitch.

"You didn't seem so mad about it when it was happening," he smirks.

"Fred we had rules,"

"Hey, this isn't all on me. You kissed back!"

"If you hadn't been so jealous of Lucian-"

"I am not jealous of him. He's a slimy rag and I'm not going to let you date him. But I'm not jealous of him!" He protests, hands running through his hair

"Well for starters it's absolutely none of your business who I date and I don't remember asking for your opinion let alone your permission. I'll remind you I'm not a fucking possession!" I screech. Anger pulsing through my blood at the idea he truly believes he gets to pick who I date.

He lets out a sigh. "That's not how I meant it," he speaks sincerely shooting me a sorry smile that admittedly makes me feel half as angry.

"Well aside from that you clearly are jealous. Almost knocked him off his broom with the bludger,"

"I'd do it again. Prick deserves it,"

"Then you kissed me Fred!" He can tell from the look on my face I'm not half as annoyed as I'm pretending to be

"I remember. Quite enjoyed it to be honest," he smirks.

"It was a lovely kiss," I agree "but now things are weird,"

"You asked me to sleep with you a couple weeks ago and things weren't weird,"

"It's not like we actually slept together. That was a moment of- weakness and insecurity,"

"So you don't want to sleep with me? Cause I'm just saying you seemed pretty into that kiss," he teases

"No I don't want to sleep with you," I lie

"It's only weird if we make it weird," he comments

"I guess," I groan

"And now we've done it once we can do it whenever,"

"You can kiss me once a week," I give in, allowing the rule to die . He smirks, there's no rules left I haven't broken and that can only be a bad thing.

"I'll look forward to it," he smirks. "Wanna practice now? Make it believable," he adds, wiggling his eyes brows at me

"You seriously are the worst person to argue with,"

"You just can't resist my charms and stay mad," he grins. All at once his face turns serious.


"If you like Lucian, which is ridiculous in itself, what happens to us?"

"I don't know. I mean it was never permanent. Guess we just allow it to pass,"


"No." I speak too quickly. I don't want to think about a life where I don't get to have Fred's hands on me and his little whispers.

"Okay," he nods

"Seems like you have Marietta Edgecombe ready and waiting," I comment

"I like to be prepared," he grins

"You've never been prepared for anything in your life," I comment

"Don't you worry lovie, you'll always be my favourite girl," he smirks, wrapping his arms around me in a bear hug

"Ew- you reek of sweat go and shower!" I protest, shoving him off me.

"I'll see you at the party?"

"You will," I smile, pressing a peck to his cheek before he leaves the room.


"Hey bestie," I slur a little when I drop into George's lap, he laughs a little, quick to grab onto my waist when he notices that I am about to fall off him

"Wrong twin, your boyfriends over there," he teases, not minding my close proximity but assuming in my drunk states i had mixed the boys up.

"Don't be stupid Georgie, can tell you apart," I grumble

"Well in that case," he grins, wrapping his arms around his best friend in a tight hug

"I have something to say," I announce, head flopping backwards onto his shoulder

"And what's that?" He smirks, noticing Fred approaching with a grin on his face.

"Just wanna say I'm sorry," I hiccup slightly, the guilt of lying to George had been a lot recently, particularly as I always talk to him about boys and couldn't ask him his opinion on Lucian.

"What're you sorry for?" He sounds confused, adjusting me in his arms slightly to look at me properly

"Keeping it all a big secret," I state like it's obvious.

"What's a secret angel?" Fred chirps from behind me, I wonder if he knows I'm about to blurt out that it's all fake.

"Everything is a secret,"

"She's clearly pissed and your job now. I'm going to talk to Angelina," George grins, wriggling from my grip and leaving Fred and I.

"Let's get you to bed sweetheart," he suggests delicately, hand coming up to cup my cheek slightly.

"Nooo. Wanna stay with you," I complain loudly

"I'll be with you," he reminds, smirking when a large grin takes over my face

"Only until I'm in bed. Then you'll go back to Marietta," I grumble, quieter this time. He'd been talking to her for the past twenty minutes.

"I'll stay as long as you want," he assures, offering a hand which I accept.

He leads me out of the common room and up into the dorm.

"Cuddle me," I demand, dropping onto my bed with a pout.

"I'll cuddle you when you put your pyjamas on," he bargains. I groan but allow him to throw an old tshirt that belonged to one of the twins at some point at me from my trunk.

I think nothing of pulling my short skirt down my legs and watch as he's quick to turn around.

After I've changed I drop to my bed


"You done stripping yet?" He questions

"Yeah," I confirm, he's grinning when he turns around. Climbing onto the bed next to me and wrapping his arms around me. A content sigh escaping his lips when my head rests against his chest.

"Why'd you turn around?" I question sleepily, allowing a yawn to chase my words

"Cause if you were sober you'd never change in front of me," he explains

"Clearly I would. Asked you to sleep with me didn't I?"

"Yeah but you didn't mean that,"

"I did. You just rejected me,"

"Emily, your first time should and will be with someone who is madly in love with you. Not me cause I'm the first boy you think to ask,"

He has no clue he's breaking my heart. After the kiss I wondered if maybe the feelings were reciprocated but clearly they aren't.

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now