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"Emily! How are you?" Cedric's familiar voice chimes as I enter the courtyard on the first day back of school. His arms open wide as he is quick to give me a tight hug.

"I'm good, how are you?" I question back with a bright smile stepping out of his grip, immediately Fred's hand grabs mine and pulls me, slightly more harshly than necessary, back to his side. His arm wraps around my shoulder holding me close to his side.

"I'm great," Cedric smiles brightly, turning to Fred, clearly choosing to ignore his possessive behaviour "how are you Fred?" He questions politely, Fred let's put a low grunt in return to which Cedric smirks ever so slightly.

"Why don't we catch up in astronomy Em?" Cedric questions. I nod in agreement and he retreats back to his friends before I turn to Fred.

"What the fuck was that?" I question, eyebrows raised, stepping out of his hold.

"He's obsessed with you. It's weird,"

"Oh my god you're so jealous it's ridiculous," I groan out. His eyes widening at the accusation

"Why would I be jealous? Thought you didn't like him," he responds, his voice prickly

"I don't like him which is why this is so ridiculous," I smirk

"I am not jealous," he protests, a red flush on his cheeks. I roll my eyes, pinching his cheek and cooing. He grins dipping his head back in frustration.

"What are we talking about?" Katie quips, stopping her brisk walk next to us.

"Freddie is a jealous boyfriend,"

"Fred is a jealous everything when it comes to you, he gets annoyed when you spend too much time with his little sister," Katie laughs. Fred opens his mouth to protest but clamps in shut when Katie gives him a pointed look.

"Can I speak to you?" Angelina questions. Her voice soft as she stands in front of my table in the library. I nod gesturing for her to sit down.

"It's about Fred," she admits. There had been a weird vibe between me and my closest girl friend. We still hung out and spent time together and were as close as ever. We just didn't speak about it. We didn't mention Fred.

"Oh. Sure, what's up?" I question, placing my quill down and looking up to face her

"I just wanted to say that I think you should be careful," she explains, looking mildly hurt and concerned "I love Fred, you know I do, he's a great guy and one of my friends. The thing with Fred is he's phasey. He moves from girl to girl quickly, I mean he likes a new one every five minutes. He's had more girlfriends than Lee and George combined," she continues.

"I know. But I think-"

"No. I know you and the girls think I'm mad or upset that he was flirting with me and then suddenly you two were together but I'm not. Honestly, I am really happy for you, and you probably think I'm just saying this in vengeance but I'm trying to look out for you. I don't want Fred. I want you to be happy and I think he's going to hurt you. If he goes after a new girl when he's still with you you'd be heartbroken, but it's the reality, he has a new girl all the time,"

"It's different though Angie, we are in a relationship," I insist. Although it feels dirty in my mouth. She's right. When he inevitably likes a new girl and ends this whole thing my heart will be broken. And it's not even real.

"I don't want to be the one to say it but he's been flirting with Romilda Vane all week. I'm really sorry,"

"Hey baby," a familiar voice calls as I exit the herbology greenhouse.

"Oh hey Fred," I smile up to him, noticing the wide smirk on his face instantly . "What have you done?" I question, immediately suspicious and scanning the area for anything unusual

"Nothing," he protests, hands up in surrender

"If you prank me-"

"Like I would ever prank my beautiful girlfriend," he mocks offence at my accusation but the laughter in his eyes keeps me on edge.


"I'm serious. No prank on you," he insists. Smiling when I walk the three steps needed to be close enough he can wrap an arm round my shoulder.

"So what are you doing here? Isn't everyone at dinner?"

"Yes, then I noticed you weren't so I came looking for you,"

"Oh. Well thank you,"

"Anything for you angel," he grins happily "so you want to go get food?"

"I'm not really hungry, can we just go straight to the dorms? I kind of want to go straight to sleep,"

"Yeah okay. You're alright though?"

"I'm fine. Just a long day," I nod in assurance. Letting him ramble as we make the walk back to our common room, he's quick to charm the girls dorms stairs and follow me up.

"You seem off," he comments as we eventually make it into my empty dorm.

"I'm fine Fred,"

"You've been off for a few days," he argues back. "Not with anyone else. Only with me," he continues. Beginning to pace as I watch from the edge of my bed. It was stupid to be upset over what Angelina had told me. I knew that.

I had no right to be upset he was flirting with Romilda, he did nothing wrong, that was the whole point of all of this. Yet, I can't help feel hurt and betrayed. A sense of constant dread. A dread that all of this will be over soon. And it'll be how it was before.

No lingering touches. No falling asleep in his arms. No forehead kisses. No walking me to class. No hand on my thigh under the table. No whispers in my hair for just me.

It was fine before. But now, now I'm used to all of it. How do I ever go back to what it was?

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now