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"Dad!" I cheer as I see him through the crowd on the platform. He's leaning against a wall with a grin on his face as he watches me, my other dad and Harry approach. The twins and Ron following behind happily. Harry is immediately pulled into Auntie Lily's arms.

"There's my girl!" My dad cheers happily, opening his arms and I collapse into them, hugging me tightly as he holds my head against his chest with one hand.

"Missed you," I smile as I pull away slightly to look at him.

"And you. You're looking beautiful as ever, clearly mine," he laughs happily. Before turning to where my other dad is watching the interaction with a fond smile on his face. He pulls Dad into a tight group hug, before I slip out to give them privacy.

"And here's my angel," James grins happily, pulling me into him in a tight hug. "Caused plenty of trouble for me?" He questions

"Of course," I laugh

"You have to tell me all about it at dinner," he grins, moving to greet the twins happily.

"Oh Em, you're looking gorgeous," auntie Lily smiles kindly as she wraps me in a warm hug.

"As are you," I grin back happily.


We sit in the living room, talking and laughing happily as voices mix together, a loud buzz radiating through the house.

Lily had gone back next door to go to sleep a while ago. Remus going upstairs to bed a little after. Ron is half asleep in his arm chair as Harry wrestles James playfully. Sirius is sat talking absentmindedly to George about a prank we played over last term, shooting casual glances at Fred and I.

I'm sat on the arm rest of the arm chair he's in, my legs in his lap as I rest my head on his. His hand stroking up and down my calf gently. We talk quietly, aware no one is listening, about anything and everything. Sharing my mug of tea as we enjoy the homely atmosphere.

I make eye contact with my dad and he smiles gently. A subtle approval of our relationship and I have to remind myself. This is all fake. I can't help the feeling of guilt in my chest as I watch him look at us with a small smile on his face, he's happy to see his daughter fall in love and here I am faking it all.

"I'm going it bed," I announce, standing up. Fred is quick to stand up behind me, he's been stifling yawns for the past 20 minutes.

"You two can sleep in Em's room and George can take the spare," my dad informs. The ultimate approval of our relationship. I nod, kissing my dads cheek as the group call good nights out to us as we exit the room.

I push open the door to my bedroom, looking around the large room and feeling an sense of awkwardness despite Fred having been it many times before.

The walls are white, pale wood beams on the ceiling that match the wooden floor. A large double bed is pressed against the furthest wall in the middle. Covered in a white duvet and fluffy blankets make the bed seem impossibly cozy. Two large windows give the room a moonlit glow, casting a light over the wall opposite them.

It's covered from head to toe in photos. Me and my dad's beaming at the camera in Italy last summer. Fred carrying me over his shoulder in the garden in the burrow. Hermione, Ginny and I smiling laughing happily wrapped in blankets in the kitchen of the Potter's house, hot chocolates in hand. Me asleep on George's shoulder whilst he sleeps with his head resting on mine. The gryffindor quidditch team standing around with happy smiles, the quidditch cup in Oliver's grasp. Auntie Lily brushing my hair when I'm young. Uncle James and I laughing in the sea on holiday. The girls and I all squeezed on a small loveseat laughing in the common room. My memories line the wall and it's almost impossible not to look.

My dressing table sits empty, my makeup all still in my trunk that I shoved in the corner when I got home only a few hours before. My wardrobe doors open from where I had packed haphazardly last summer.

"So," Fred speaks slightly awkwardly, kicking the door to my bedroom closed quietly behind him.

"I'm going to go change, wash my face and brush my teeth," I state, grabbing some fresh pjs from a drawer and heading into my en-suite bathroom.

I cringe slightly as I look at myself with my hair thrown in a bun, an old ABBA tshirt that belonged to my dad and falls to my mid thigh, tatty and old but very comfortable. A pair of sports shorts are underneath it but you can't see them due to the T-shirt's length.

I re-enter my room, settling into bed as Fred disappears to get ready in the bathroom. He exits, looking casually handsome as he saunters back in, a checkered pair of pj pants hanging dangerously low on his hips. His toned abs and chest, littered in adorable freckles exposed as he drops onto the bed next to me.

I almost think he's asleep as I wriggle, trying to remain quiet, as I search for a position to sleep in. Acutely aware of my crush laying a few metres away.

His arms wrap around me very suddenly and pull me into his chest, spooning me, his breath on the back of my neck. It's so sudden it almost feels like he had been nervous to do it and done it quickly to get it over with.

"It's comfier to cuddle," he whispers into the darkness, I'm thankful that with the curtains drawn, there's no light in my room to expose my bright blush.

"Sorry," I mumble

"It's no worries. Wanted you to get some sleep is all, you know I can sleep through anything I'm used to sharing a room," he returns gently, making me giggle as relax in his grip "I'm lucky to get to cuddle with such a beautiful girl," he adds casually, my stomach doing summersaults.

"Goodnight Freddie,"

"Goodnight Emmie, sweet dreams," he returns, pressing a kiss to the back of my shoulder that has me melting.

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now