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By the time the Emily and Angelina have finished getting ready the party is already in full swing and so neither girl is surprised to hear the faint hum of music and talking from the common room.

"You look incredible Angie," Emily grins excitedly to her friend as she watches her place her heels on through the mirror, turning back to adjust her hair slightly

"So do you," The girl grins in response straightening up to stand as Emily turns away from the mirror "Fred is going to die, your boobs look amazing," she adds making Emily laugh

"Come on, Kates will kill us for being so late," Emily announces, pulling the door open and heading out of their room and towards the spiralling stair case.

The girls push into the common room, unsurprised to find it crowded and loud as students from every house seem to be here, clearly it's the big party of the weekend.

"I'm going to find Fred!" Emily shouts over the loud noise

"Okay I'll see you later!" Angelina shouts back, making a quick bee line to where Lee is pouring himself a drink.

She expected Fred to already be drunk, expected him to be falling over himself and at the centre of a crowd.

She hadn't expected to see him talking to only one person, leaning against the wall with a flirty grin and messy hair.

"That boyfriend of yours is awfully close to Marietta," the voice is low in her ear and accompanied by hands on her waist spinning her around to face him. "Unless I have the wrong twin of course," Lucian adds, his face falls into an easy smirk and she so badly wants to want this. She wishes that her mind wasn't on Fred.

"No, you've got the right twin," she confirms. Sighing a little, she forces herself to push thoughts of Fred from her mind.

"So what's going on with you two?" Lucian questions

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just that him and Edgecombe seem pretty close and I've seen them together a lot recently, if he isn't going to treat you right lots of other boys would jump at the opportunity Black,"

"And you're one of the other boys?" She questions back, glancing up at him through her eyelashes

"Yeah, yeah I am," he confirms, his smirk widens and for a moment she thinks he's going to kiss her. That is until a hand wraps around her wrist pulling her away from Lucian.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Fred demands the answer from Lucian, not sparing Emily a second look which is somehow so much worse for her.

"If you aren't going to respect her someone else will," Lucian responds calmly

"You don't know anything about our relationship. Besides, if we were to break up I can promise she wouldn't be with a sleaze like you," he snaps, his grip on Emily doesn't falter as he marches past Lucian and towards his dorm.

He locks the door and drops her wrist as they enter her dorm. Noticing the slightly red mark on her wrist from his tight hold

"Sorry," he mutters, gesturing to her wrist

"It's nothing," she assures, although she was confused at his outburst.

"You look beautiful," he comments, eyes raking up and down  her tight white dress, the v neck low, the halter neck pushing her breasts together and the skirt is dangerously short.

"Fred, what the fuck was that?"

"He can't- he can't just put his hands all over you and touch what's mine and talk to you like he has a shot," Fred seethes his hands fisting at his sides as he takes a deep breath to try and calm down.

"Fred he does have a shot, when this all ends I will probably date him and it would make my life a damn side easier if you hadn't made an enemy out of him,"

She chooses to ignore the obvious jealousy, the possessive nature her friend had always shown shining through.

"But you're mine! He can't touch you he can't - he was going to kiss you and he doesn't have the right to do that. You and me, not you and Lucian," Fred rants

"Fred I-" She is cut off by Fred's lips crashing against hers.

Pulling her into him, hands holding her to his chest as he kisses quick, desperate and hungry and taking out all his anger.

She pulls away, forcing herself to do it for her own sanity. She can't let him kiss her like this and then act like she doesn't want him, want him in every way.

"Fred, what are you doing,"

"He can't kiss you, he can't because I should be the only one kissing you," he announces, she's confused. What this meant? Did it mean something real? Or was this just a boy with a big ego seeing another boy trying and feeling a need to defend his territory? Was this real or was it just his pride?

"Are you drunk?" She questions, suddenly concerned

"No, I haven't drank a thing. I told you I'd look after you tonight remember,"  he assures, his lips finding her again and his hands pulling her impossibly closer

The questions fly from her head with that, it's impossible to think of anything but Fred. To focus on anything other than his hands, his mouth, his groans that spill into her mouth.

His lips move, pressing kisses down her neck and it's more than they've ever done. Her mind is screaming that she needs to stop this. Make it stop because this is only making her love him more but she can't bring herself to say the words. Not when it's Fred. Because she loves him and she wants this.

He sucks at her skin and she moves her head to allow him better access to her neck and without even think she's pressing her body closer to his. He pushes her gently onto his bed behind her, her hair fans out over the pillow and he smiles at the sight, she looks like an angel as he hovers above her, his lips back on her neck in an instant.

His hands move up to the halter neck tie of her dress

"Can I?" He questions, heavy breath and a low voice and it's enough to make butterflies swarm in her stomach

"Fred, what are we doing?" She questions breathlessly

"I'm sorry-I just-" he apologises immediately, pulling away and sitting on the mattress. He feels so guilty, he almost let his desire for her take over and he hates himself for putting her in that situation. He hangs his head in shame, he'd have killed someone else for putting her in this situation and yet here he is.

"Don't be sorry," her words shock him and he forces himself to look up from his hands "I just, well it was getting heated and it kind of felt like we were going to, yknow..." she trails off and he sighs

"Have sex?"

"Yeah," she confirms, a nervous blush on her cheeks

"I wanted too. I want to. I never would have if you didn't want me to though, you know that right?" He questions gently

"I do know  that. I would have wanted you to. I do want to. I'm just confused Freddie, you said my first time should be with someone who loves me," she speaks quietly, having never felt so timid in his presence.

"Do you think for even a second that I don't?" He questions, staring straight at her eyes as they widen. He can't help himself. Her words in his head. She does want to. He grabs her face in his hands, pulling her towards him and smashing his lips back to hers.

"Fred is this real?" She whispers against him

"This has been real to me for a long time," he confirms, smiling at the bright grin that graces her features

"Me too," he pushes her shoulders gently so she's laying beneath him once more

"Tell me that you're mine. That you don't want Lucian, or Cedric, or anyone else. Tell me that you want me, that you want this,"

"I'm yours Fred,"

"You're mine," he smirks, his lips pressing kisses all over her neck

"And are you mine?" She questions, her arms wrapping around him to pull him back up, his face so close she could count the delicate freckles on his face.

"I'm yours. I've always been yours,"

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now