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"So, how's Fred?" Cedric asks with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows at me teasingly.

"He's good," I laugh rolling my eyes at Ced's antics. "A little distant the last few days though," I shrug. Ever since we spoke outside of transfiguration he had been distant. Not that anyone else would notice or be suspicious, just that I could feel it. A distance between us.

"Really? You always seem to be together," Cedric asks incredulously, looking at me as I shrug gently, continuing to walk the corridors of the school.

It's late, us being on our prefect rounds, and cold due to the harsh winter surrounding the castle.

"Yeah. I mean he hasn't been ignoring me. Just- well- not talking to me unless he has to I guess," I shrug lightly

"Since when? Have you done anything that might have upset him?" Cedric questions. His caring nature overwhelmingly taking over him. I can see from the concern on his face he really does want to help.

"Yknow how I was late to transfiguration the other day?" I question. He nods, eyebrows furrowed as he focuses on what I'm saying "well we had this weird discussion and he was so serious and it's just not like him. He kept asking if the reason I was upset was a boy. It wasn't but he just seemed so worked up over the idea of me being upset about a boy. There was this moment, almost like he was going to say something and then he just brushed it away and he's been weird ever since," I rant. Cedric looks utterly baffled as he stares at me.

"Well obviously he'd be upset if he thought you were upset over a boy. You're his girlfriend and he thinks there's other lads running around making you all sad, probably feels a bit self conscious," he points out. Looking at me like I have two heads.

Well shit. I realise very quickly that the way I talked about Fred and our whole predicament was the opposite of a girl talking about her boyfriend and Cedric looks so confused and yet I can see the cogs turning in his head. I had been so desperate to get advice and rant about the whole situation I had forgotten that not a single person knows I'm not with Fred. Not really anyway.

"Well yeah obviously, I just mean that-"

"It's fake!" Cedric shouts. Clearly having read the expression on my face and worked out what's been going on. I can't help but curse him in my head as I realise just how well he knows me. "You guys are faking the whole thing. Why?" He questions, grabbing my wrist to stop us from walking.

"He needed someone to get his mother off his back about being single until he could woo Angie, claims I'm the only person who could pull it off," I admit. Feeling a weight off my shoulders at someone knowing.

"Why the hell would you agree to that?" He questions, looking massively concerned as his eyes scan my face.

"He needed me. I'd do anything for him you know that," I shrug casually.

"Yes but you like him Emily. Merlin, I would even say you're a little bit in love with him. Surely you realise how stupid this is?" He questions, eyes boring into mine like he's trying to read me

"It's nothing,"

"No. No it's something alright. You had such strong feelings when you were just friends and now what? You fake it for a few months. You get used to the way he walks you to class, holds your hand under the table and dinner, cuddles you in the common room, kisses your cheek as a greeting. Then he doesn't need the fake relationship anymore. He breaks all this off, maybe gets with Angelina maybe some other girl. Where does that leave you? You're even more heartbroken because you inevitably let yourself forget it's all fake. Or you're so conscious of it and yet you still let yourself fall deeper in love because who wouldn't? Who wouldn't fall more for the guy they love when they are being the perfect boyfriend all the time?" He rants. His protective nature reminds me of George and I can hear the younger twin making all the same points.


"No. No don't. You're setting yourself up for the worst heartbreak and as your friend I can't just say nothing. You're going to be so hurt, there's no ending to this when you get out without being hurt," he continues. His words voicing the thoughts I've undeniably been having for the past few weeks.

"I know that. Christ, of course I know that. You're just forgetting one thing. It's Fred. I can never say no to him. I'd burn myself a thousand times if it's what he wanted. I don't care how bad it hurts, I do what he wants. Cause it's Fred. I will never not do what he asks of me. I'll never say no. I can't."

"That might be the most toxic thing I have ever heard," Cedric sighs, hand running through his hair in obvious stress. "Shit you're so in love," he laughs slightly. Continuing on the walk and laughing louder when I push him lightly.

When he drops me back at the Gryffindor common room he hugs me a little bit tighter and little bit longer. Comforting me how I'm sure he knows I need. Having someone know, someone I can talk too about all of this that I trust to keep it secret makes me feel undeniably better.

"I'll be here if you need a hug or to talk when he inevitably breaks your heart," Ced whispers gently before grinning a good night. I thank the heavens for him and how good of a friend he truly is as I enter the common room.

Fred immediately grinning at me from the arm chair he is waiting in. George and Lee bickering on the sofa and as I look at his large beam, that feels like the most genuine smile he's sent me since the transfiguration lesson, I am acutely aware of how right Cedric had been.

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now