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"Come with me," I practically demand.

Fred looks up at me with a wide smirk and his eye brows raised.

"I'm busy," he grins with a wink


"No darling, I'm busy right now. What can you offer me to make it worth leaving this very interesting conversation I'm having with Lee, Ron and Harry?" He's practically laughing when he sees the look in my eyes but bites it back

"We are literally talking about the building structure of the shrieking shack," Ron announces

"A topic I find fascinating," Fred grins, turning back to me with mischief in his eyes "so what you got for me sweetheart?"

"Hot, steamy sex. Lots of it. Let's go,"

"Sorry boys. I'm sure you understand," he grins jumping up and grabbing my hand, allowing me to drag him upstairs.

The minute the door is closed behind us he turns to look at me with a smirk

"So you wanna get naked first or shall I?" He grins

"Shove off. I need your help," I grumble, he laughs loudly before perching on the edge of Katie's desk desk.

"What's up?"

"No judgement. It's embarrassing," I admit

"I make no promises," he grins, sighing when I rolls my eyes in response. "Seriously, you can tell me anything," he reminds. I  nods, sitting  down on the side of my messy bed.

"So," he prompts.

"It's just that- well- I can't even say it. Doesn't matter, sorry for-"

"Hey, hey, hey," he protests, moving to sit down next to me. "What's wrong angel?"

"I can't," I groan, pulling my head into my hands to try and hide the blush

"You don't need to be embarrassed. It's just me. Hey, look at me, let me see you," he prompts, sighing when I makes no move to free my face from my hands "oi, you don't get to be that pretty and then not let me look at it," he complains, reaching forward to move my hands from her face. "Now, what's wrong?" He questions delicately.

"There's this boy," I admit. Fred shifts a little in his seat but says nothing. "And I don't know. I kind of like him. Think he might like me back,"

"What's embarrassing about that?" He questions back. Although he's refusing eye contact.

"He's the year above and he's more- yknow-"


"Yeah," I nod, he smiles gently, squeezing my knee

"Hey, you don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with. If he doesn't like you for you then he doesn't deserve you," he smiles gently.

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just- well it's embarrassing if it's my first time and not his,"

"No it's not. Everyone has a first time. Who cares if he's already had his. He should feel so incredibly lucky you want him to be yours,"

"I just feel weird about it,"

"Emily, what are you actually asking me?"

"Look, I know it's weird but will you sleep with me?"  I refused to look at him


"Just once,"

"You know I'm not a virgin right?"


"So wouldn't you have the same weird problem with me?"

"No. Could never feel scared with you,"

"Emily, listen, I know you better than most people do. I spend 90% of my life with you, before we go any further with this discussion you have to answer some questions,"


"First, who the fuck is this boy? I haven't seen you speak to any guy recently other than me and our friends, which makes sense cause everyone thinks we are together,"

"Lucian Bole,"

"The slytherin beater?" Fred asks incredulously

"Yeah," I nod,

"Why?" He questions

"He's nice. Like really nice. And kind and smart. Look Fred, I'm never the girl. I'm never the girl who the boys want. They never embarrass themselves trying to impress me. I'm just average, there's nothing wrong with dating me but there's also nothing special. I'm not beautiful like Katie or funny like Angelina or smart like Alice. I'm just- well- people know me as the twins friend. The least attractive girl Cedric's been with. Lucian makes me feel special. He makes me feel like I'm more than any of that," I admit

"What are you saying? You have not once, ever, ever been any of that. You've never not been beautiful and funny and smart. You've never just been mine and Georgie's friend and I promise you Cedric could and has done a lot worse, and he would tell you that too. You're so far from average. You're insane if you think you aren't," he's ranting, and for a minute it's impossible to not believe him "do you know how many boys have begged me and George to put in word for them over the years? Do you know how mad it makes me that you really don't believe you're beautiful? It infuriates me. Makes me more angry than anything else that you don't realise how special you are. No other girl comes close," he speaks so gently, his hand cradling my cheek.

He touches me like I'm fragile, like I could break in his hands. His thumb brushing the tears from my cheeks. Maybe he's not wrong.

Don't fall in love with me- Fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now