Lay Me Down Chapter 18

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It's a short chapter compared to others I know, but I will upload the next as soon as I can. I pink swear!!!!



I stared across the table intently as Carter read over my scholarship essays. I had finished and was planning on turning in everything tomorrow. I watched as Carter put down one essay and went to the other, his eyes scanning across the paper. Did he like it or did he think it was absolutely horrible?

"These are really good Lizzie," he finally said as he put down the papers and then placed them back inside the folder.


"Really? So, do you think I have a chance of getting in," I asked him eagerly.

"Definitely," he said. "I don't see why you are so worried about it. I'm almost positive that you will get it." 

A smile immediately grew upon my face. "Are you just saying that or do you really mean it?" 

"I really mean it Liz. It's great." 

Carter's mom walked into the kitchen as I took my folder and placed it in my back pack. "So, Lizzie?" Carmen called out.


"Ma'am," I answered.


"You make me feel so old when you say that Lizzie," she stated unhappily. 

I chuckled. "Sorry . . . umm, so what's up Carmen?" 

Carter laughed at hearing that.


"Well, I was wondering if you would like to join me and Sasha this weekend and go shopping?"


"What?" Carter said before I could reply. "Lizzie is all mine this weekend though." 

"She is all yours every weekend. Gosh, give her a break dude," his mom replied. I bursted out laughing but tried to stifle it when Carter gave me the eye.


"That sounds fun," I said to Carmen.


"Great! We will be leaving Saturday morning." 

"Okay, I will meet you here." Carter groaned and I lightly smacked his arm. "Don't be such a baby," I laughed as his mom rolled her eyes and walked out.


"I'm your baby," he said as he pulled me to straddle his lap.


"Your mom's here!"

"I don't care."


"But I do," I told him getting off of his lap. "I should go. I need to get the rest of the scholarship typed and printed so I can turn it in tomorrow." 

"I'll drive you home." 

"It's okay. I need the exercise."


"Yea, you do," he stated which made me gasp. "I'm just kidding," he laughed. 

I folded my arms and glared at him. "C'mon Lizzie, you know that I think you're perfect," he said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him. I kept my arms folded and held my ground. "Come on Lizzie, don't be like that." He brushed his lips across my neck and I tried my hardest not to react. He placed kisses on my cheek and then placed kisses across my jaw line until he reached my ear. He lightly bit my ear which caused the tickling sensation to make me laugh.

"You want me inside you again," he whispered in my ear. "You know that whenever you want me I'm yours." 

My body began to warm up as a reaction from the way his hands roamed the plains of my body. No no no! Force it away. Don't cave in, I told myself. "Carter stop," I said as I pressed my forehead against his chest. 

He chuckled, lifting my head up and pressing his lips against mine. I kissed him back. Damn, giving up never felt so damn good. I glided my tongue across his lips begging for him to let me in. He complied. Jeesh, there could not be a feeling that beat the feelings I got when I kissed Carter or when he touched me or even when I was just by his side.

I heard footsteps and pulled away. I looked into Carter's eyes. They were swirled with emotions, too many for me to depict one from the other. I pulled away from his embrace as his mom walked back into the kitchen.

"I'll see you later," I said pecking him on the lips and then grabbing my bag. "Bye Carmen."


"Bye sweetie, i'll see you Saturday."

 I muttered an okay and walked out with Carter following me. I left the kitchen and exited his house with Carter still in tow behind me. "What are you doing?" 


"Just walking you home."

"Carter, you really don't have to do that. I'll be fine."


"I know but I still want to walk you home. I need the exercise too."

I laughed. "Sure . . ." I replied sarcastically. He threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him and he walked me home. 

God, I felt like a corny romance movie, but I loved it nontheless. It was great and I could only wish that it would never end.

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