Lay Me Down Chapter 35

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I awakened the next morning and my face was buried in Carter’s chest. Our legs were twisted together in some weird way. My skin felt really clammy and cold. I snuggled closer to Carter and I felt his chest vibrate.

“What are you laughing at?” I asked him.


“I did nothing funny though,” I told him. 

He chuckled lightly again. “How are you feeling?”  

“I’m fine,” I said as I distanced myself away from him a little and stared into his eyes.

“Good, you hungry?” He got out of the bed. My eyes began to scan his body unknowingly. He had on nothing but a pair of shorts. “Lizzie?” He had a smirk on his face. 


“Were you imagining me naked?”

I sat up. “Carter, get over yourself. I’ve seen you naked before, I don’t have to imagine.” 

He laughed. “I’m just joking, although if you wanted to see me naked again all you had to do was ask.” 

 I laughed. I had missed this Carter and I hadn’t really seen much of him since we had reunited. “Well, let me see you naked,” I teased. 

He laughed. “You got to work for it sweetie.”  

“So what’s my job?” I stood up and placed myself in front of him. I was still only left in a tank top and panties. 

He laughed again. “To go put on some clothes so we can go get something to eat.” 

I chuckled. “Whatever you say,” I said as I exited the room. What in the hell was that I thought as I walked back to my room to get ready. Were we flirting? I chuckled to myself. That was a big no-no considering the fact that Carter had a girlfriend.

I got in and out of the shower quickly so I wouldn’t have to keep Carter waiting long. I ended up putting on some denim jeans and a t-shirt that had fist pump on the front. I walked out the room and found Carter standing in the kitchen talking on the phone.

“Yea no problem,” he said. “ Naw. I’m not, nope.” I walked into the kitchen and stood next to him. He glanced at me. “Alright man, I’ll stop by later.” He hung up. “You ready?“

I nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. We ended up going to Denny’s to eat. I sat at the table across from Carter.

“What are you getting?"  

“The pancake breakfast,” I told him.

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