Lay Me Down Chapter 19

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I hurriedly threw on some clothes and shoes, and glanced over at the clock every once in a while. I was late. 

I grabbed some money from my stash and placed it in my bag, slung it over my shoulder and then made my way down the stairs and out of the door. I briskly walked to Carter's house and I hoped that his mom and Sasha weren't waiting for me.

Once I was near Carter's house, I jogged up the walkway and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again a little louder but still received no answer. I rung the doorbell twice and finally heard some shuffling coming from behind the door. I patiently waited.

Carmen opened the door looking drowsy. It was evident that she had just woken up, and I thought it was me who was late. I let out a soft laugh at her appearance. "Lizzie, I'm sorry. Sasha is usually so excited that she wakes me up but she ditched me for her friends. I guess those mother daughter outings don't mean so much once you grow older." 


"It's okay, I don't mind waiting." I walked in and she closed the door behind me. "Is Carter up?"  


"Probably not. Go pour some cold water on him," she suggested. 

I chuckled and headed up stairs. I opened the door to Carter's room and saw that he was sound asleep in his bed. I walked over to where he lay and lightly pressed my lips against his cheek. When he didn't move I placed kisses on his neck, then his shoulder, leading down to his chest.


"What are you doing?" I heard him ask in a whisper. I lifted my head and looked at him.


"Passing time," I told him. "Your mom just woke up," I added. 

He laughed. "That's nothing new." He lifted the covers up with his arms motioning for me to get in bed with him. "She'll be awhile," he muttered. I got into the bed next to him and he wrapped his arms around me.  


"Make sure you buy something that can be worn only for me," I heard him say.


"Carter, I'm going to be with your mom," I told him, my face buried into his chest.


"Sneak off."


"But she's going to ask me what I bought." 


"Hide it."  


"Shut up Carter," I demanded. 

He laughed, pulling me tighter against him. I listened to the beat of his heart. It was a pleasant melody, playing its sweet tune in my ears that soon put me to sleep; his heartbeat was my lullaby.



"Wake up Lizzie," Carter's voice rang in my ears. I rolled over ignoring him.

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